The Velvet Revolution

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Europe » Czech Republic » Prague
October 2nd 2006
Published: October 1st 2006
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Old Town, PragueOld Town, PragueOld Town, Prague

A superb attraction to lose yourself in.
The Czech Republic is a landlocked country, and shares common borders with four other countries in the heart of Europe. Although it is nominally considered part of Eastern Europe, technically the Czech Republic is in Central Europe. Everyone visits Prague and the old town is justifiably famous for the superb architecture on display, as you walk amidst a maze of cobblestone streets along the banks of the Vltava river. Prague is a special and extremely popular travel destination, but the crowds of tourists are not quite so special!

But let's recap from the previous journal, dear reader, where I caught the Eurolines from neighbouring Slovakia in a relaxed four hour commute. My hostel was only three stops on the local bus, and I was comfortably ensconced in the quality Hostel Marabou by 6:00pm. In hindsight it was more by accident than design, as this bright spark rocked up in Prague on a friday night without securing an advance booking... Hello-oo! Things worked out for me on this occasion and I was lucky to snaffle a bed, then the staff organised a booking for two more nights at an affiliated hostel. It may sound surprising but my first impression of the
St Vitus Cathedral, PragueSt Vitus Cathedral, PragueSt Vitus Cathedral, Prague

Stain-glass windows in the nave.
city was not favourable, bearing in mind the hostels are mainly located outside the famous old town. I witnessed graffiti everywhere, the streets were quite dirty, and there were untended trees, weeds and shrubs.

But then ... while pushing on the next day I ventured into central Prague and the world famous old town. And the verdict is ... Wow!!! Prague is the classic Jeckyl and Hyde city, because the beauty of the old town matches anywhere else in all my travels. The city of a thousand spires is truly a wonder; crossing the Charles bridge and heading uphill along the cobblestone streets to Prague castle is an experience not to be missed. Prague castle is listed in the guinness book of records as the largest castle in the world, and no camera shot or panning with your handycam can do justice to the monumental scale of the complex. The exploration of the city will go on as long as your weary legs can carry you, and I guarantee when you wake up the next day you'll be ready to do it all again. Prague was spared the devastation wrought on so many European cities in the second world
Charles bridge on Vltava river, PragueCharles bridge on Vltava river, PragueCharles bridge on Vltava river, Prague

Views to Prague castle on the hilltop
war, and the beauty of the old town is the equal of Paris.

Travellers should note prices in the centre of the city can be double or even triple what you would pay in the rest of Prague, therefore most of the hostels are located fifteen or twenty minutes walk away. This is a small price to pay, yet a bit more commitment from the locals to spruce up this part of town would have a positive effect on the hostel area outside the centre of town. The Czech people are very reserved in a similar manner to their Slovakian neighbours, but again I note that poor customer service seems to be the downside of travelling in Europe. I had dealings with a Eurolines staff member yesterday who was sullen, uncooperative and unhelpful, but aside from that she was great! However, if I get annoyed or the going gets tough on the road I remember the travel saying... be proud of yourself, because it takes strength of character to travel.

Prague is also famous for it's beers. Many say they are the world's finest, and I can confirm a few have gone down my neck very smoothly. The home of Budweiser and other affordable and excellent quality beers adds to the allure of the city, and helps to cement it's reputation as a world class tourist destination. Groups of travellers are constantly pouring into Prague either for a lad's weekend away, or as a must see destination on the European backpacker trail, or finally as one of the hundreds of tour groups that roam the old town every day. Prague is chock-a-block full of tourists, but still an absolute must if you are in this part of the world. The incomparable centre of Prague, beautiful views on the Vltava river, the mighty Prague castle, and home to the Velvet Revolution, basically all of you should be here now!

Time and again in history victory has come to a little party with big ideas. But can anyone conceive anything with the mark of death more on it's brow than a little party with little ideas?" G.K. Chesterton

As I continue my travels, until next time it's signing off for now


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1st October 2006

hey tommy boy,good to hear you are enjoying your travels, i am sooo jeolous. i was in prague afew years ago and stayed at the Elf hostel, sunk quite a few budvar there!!!! keep on tucking and keep me posted.
3rd October 2006

Great to hear from you again case you can't remember who I am I'm that daft Irish fool that fell off the side of the most dangerous road in the world. Anyway glad you liked Prague I was there many years ago now and loved it to was a lot cheaper back then. By the way what was the name of the australian bank..."Oh the last train out of Sydney...".Anyway if your ever in Ireland be sure and let me know.
13th October 2006

Clown & Bard
Hey Tom, we've stayed in Clown&Bard Hostel, one tram station away from the main station. Not that modern but clean and a nice party place with damn cheap beer (that's why we liked it ;)) Marcel

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