The Begining of the End

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May 22nd 2013
Published: May 22nd 2013
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Three SistersThree SistersThree Sisters

One of the most famous landmarks in the Blue Mountians.
It's has been about a month since I completed my Instructor training here in Sydney, and I have been loving every minute of it. My friends and I had some time off to hang out and take a trip to the Blue Mountians and so all the touristy things we have been wanting to do. I have found out that I am also really enjoying teaching. I've taught everything from Open Water, Peak Performance Buoyancy, Navigation, Search and Recovery, and a few other specialties. I really enjoy planning out each of my courses to fit to a layout that I like, and running the classes how I see fit. It is strange, however, when I teach people who are significantly older then I am. It's like telling my dad what to do, and correcting him when he is wrong. But it's also very reassuring when they tell me what a great job I am doing and that they loved having me as an instructor.

Since most of the courses are only a day or two, I get alot of different people from all different levels of diving. I love hearing their stories and talking to them about their lives and
Underwater NavigationUnderwater NavigationUnderwater Navigation

I set out a course underwater in which the students had to navigate using their compasses.
visa versa. We all know how much I love to talk, so it's great when I have to keep the conversation going to make people feel more comfortable in the water and confident with me as well. It's also strange to me that some people are so afraid of the water/ocean. When I was younger, I loved the water, and I was up so early on any beach vacation dragging my dad down to the ocean at the crack of dawn (a "water baby" as my mom calls it). It has been really interesting to take my confidence in the water and use it to reassure people that there is nothing to be afraid of, that they can do it, and that they can truely learn to love the ocean. It has become a really rewarding part of my job, knowing that I can share the beauty of the ocean with others, some of which were previously terrified of the water.

I have also been certified as a service technician and am now able to service Oceanic, Hollis, and Aeris equipment. I'm hoping that this will open alot of doors for me and help to to obtain a job
Equipment Specialty CourseEquipment Specialty CourseEquipment Specialty Course

Me helping teach the equipment course.
that I really want, and make more money as well. I enjoy that as well, learning how all of the equipemtn works and having the ability to know exactly what is wrong by just listening or looking at the equipment. It does take alot of patience to fix alot of the equipment, but I enjoy learning about all different aspects of diving, including the meticulous ones.

Taking the opportunity to come to Australia and learn to teach scuba diving has proved to be such a great experience, but my time here is almost over.

So it's coming down to my final month here in Australia, and boy has it been a journey. The past four months have proven to some of the best times of my life and I'll remember them forever. Alot of the friends that I have met here are leaving and getting jobs all over the world. Amy left quite some time ago for a job in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Carina left for a job in Sarasota, Florida; and Nick and Alyssa left for a job in Oahu, Hawaii. We took a trip out to the Blue Mountians together the week before they all left
Service Tech CourseService Tech CourseService Tech Course

Training to service equipment.
and had a really fantastic time. We took the train to Katoomba and hiked all day before grabbing some food and heading home. It's great to know that I will have friends all over the world to go and visit and keep in touch with for the rest of my life. It's just sad to see them go, which means that my time here is ending as well, and the next leg of my journey will begin.

I leave Sydney on June 27th and have worked it out so that I have two long layovers. The first is in Bangkok, Thailand, in which Casey (who has recently returned from Thailand) has given me a few places to be sure to visit when I am there. The other layover is in Cairo, Egypt, which Sam stopped in on his way home, and has also given me some helpful tips to sightsee with a budget. It will take me around three days to get to Nairobi, but I am excited to get a taste of some other places, and I find the flights much more bareable when I have the ability to get off the airplane and walk around for a
Three SistersThree SistersThree Sisters

Carina, Nick, Kim, Alyssa and Me at the Three Sisters in the Blue Mountians.
bit. And why not? I'll be in Thailand and Egypt! I promised myself I would get a photo of me riding a camel in Egypt and I plan to fulfill that among other things before I get to Kenya.

I will be in Kenya for about two and a half months, and Sam and I have talked about alot of great things that we are going to do when we are there. It's like I have my own personal tourguide! I know that we will be spending alot of time on the coast (so I can go diving of course!) as well as seeing alot of touristy things as well. I am really looking forward to going to Lake Bogoria, in which millions of flamingos gather in the warm waters. Of course we will be seeing the national parks and doing the stereotypical safari, markets, hiking, etc. Its going to be great to have time to relax, it seems that alot of my time in Australia has been work (if diving counts as work) and it is very tiring at times. The more time passes, the more excited I am to see Sam and his home, after all, he

Me and some of my students!
did spend almost 4 years in America with me, so it will be interesting to see him on his home turf. Come mid September, I will finally get to see what I have missed the most since I left the US in February.

The last leg of my journey will be meeting up with my Mom, Dad, and Casey in Italy for just over two weeks. And let me tell you, I REALLY miss them. I talked to my mom nearly everyday when I was in the states, and everytime something really cool happens, or Im having a bad day, I just want to pick up the phone (which I dont have by the way) and call her. It will be a great way for us to spend some time together, and being in Italy? I really couldnt have wished for anything better. I have always wanted to go to Italy and seeing my family again after 8 months of being apart will make it that much better.

The remaining month I have here in Sydney will be spent with the friends that I do have left here (Kim (UK) and Melissa (Seattle) have been with me since
The PubThe PubThe Pub

Me and the crew at the Pub (our hangout).
the begining, and all the friends from the shop) doing touristy things. I will finally pet a koala and feed a kangaroo, and go exploring a bit more in the city. The diving season is dying down here as well since winter (which isnt really "winter" becasue its like 50-60 degrees) so Im thinking Ill have a bit more time off to go explore. Im looking forward to my remaining time here in Australia, but when the time comes for me to leave, I know I will be ready.

Additional photos below
Photos: 37, Displayed: 27


Service Tech CourseService Tech Course
Service Tech Course

Fixing regulators.
Service Tech CourseService Tech Course
Service Tech Course

I can now repair regulators!
Service Tech CourseService Tech Course
Service Tech Course

Servicing a first stage.
Service Tech CourseService Tech Course
Service Tech Course

First stage servicing.
Underwater NavigationUnderwater Navigation
Underwater Navigation

Me running skills on land so that my students could run the same skills underwater. I put towels on their head so they couldn't cheat!
Underwater Navigation CourseUnderwater Navigation Course
Underwater Navigation Course

Me and my students on the Underwater Navigation course.
Underwater NavigationUnderwater Navigation
Underwater Navigation

One of my students navigating me back to shore after I got him "lost".
Central StationCentral Station
Central Station

Me and the crew on our way to the Blue Mountians.
Blue MountiansBlue Mountians
Blue Mountians

Alyssa, Nick, Carina, Kim and Me. My besties in Australia at the Blue Mountians!
The JourneyThe Journey
The Journey

The begining of our hike in the Blue Mountians!

At the Three Sisters, Blue Mountians.
Grand StaircaseGrand Staircase
Grand Staircase

Me, Carina, Nick and Alyssa at the begining of our hike in the Blue Mountians.

At the top of the Grand Staircase, Blue Mountians.
The Grand StaircaseThe Grand Staircase
The Grand Staircase

Kim, Me, Carina, and Alyssa on the stairs in the Blue Mountians.

22nd May 2013

Again I wish I was there!!! We miss you!
27th May 2013

So proud of you!!!
You have done things most people will never do. Also I,m so proud that you have accompliced what you set out to do. Enjoy the rest of your trip @ stay "safe". Love you & God Bless!! Grandma

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