Relatives and Backpacks

Published: July 30th 2006
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Jaworze Gorne is on our itinerary. You might ask where in the world is that place? I'll give you a couple of clues. Eastern Europe, dziekujemy, and my last name. I am running out of clues. For those of you who know my dad and me look at our height and our noses : >) Yes, you are right it is Poland! Ok, so maybe you didn't guess Poland, but my dad and I decided today that we are going to visit our family in Poland. We have never met them, but I am sure it will be a wonderful experience. We are plannig a visit mid August. Stay tuned!

My Aunt Jan and cousin Joe made this all possible. The worked countless hours rese arching our family tree. And, another thank you to my Aunt who encouraged me to visit. She sent me 50 emails in less 10 minutes relating to our family history.


Can you believe that everything I want to take along fits into my hand dandy pack and it only weighs 33.5 pounds. I have to pack about 4 pounds more and that will be it!! I mean everything will actually fit into it. I ony left out one item that I was iffy about. Happy days are here.

The first backpacks I ordered for the both of us form the internet were way too small. My dad was the first to get the backpack in the mail. He called me up and said, "Oh Julie, the pack is really small." I said not to worry. That were packing light. A couple of days later my backpack came int he mail. I opened up the box and tried packing it. Not even just one of my shoes fit in the backpack. Ok, so that is another way to tell that I am Polish. Shhh!! Lesson learned. Listen to my dad when he is talking about measurements and packing.


30th July 2006

Backpack through eastern europe with only a backpack...sure. but 7 days in mexico with only enough clothes in one pack? NO WAY! hahahahaha. Have an amazing time, can't wait to hear about it.
3rd August 2006

Hi from Mom
Good morning: Hope your flights went well. Looking forward to your first blog addition. We are fine. Hugs, Mom
6th August 2006

Are you having fun?!!!!
Hi I just wanted to check in to see if you are doing the email thing. I hope you are having a wonderful time. I love you both lots!!
12th August 2006

Sounds like fun
Julie, Hope you and your dad are having a great trip. Your blog sure makes it sound like a lot of fun. Take lots of photos. Make lots of memories! Careful out there on the trail and have a blast!
19th August 2006

Borscht, Kolacke and Happy Greetings!!
Have loved reading about your adventures. Has Joe begun to gain the 25 lbs. he committed to before he left? I can't even imagine how awesome this trip must be! Can't wait to see pics and here all the stories!

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