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August 6th 2006
Published: August 7th 2006
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So let's see. where did i leave off. can't make the question mark work on this keyboard, so you'll have to use your imagination.
i made one final trip to Tena to get some clean clothes. feels like a miracle after having soggy wet clothes that never dry in the jungle. Said my goodbyes to my volunteer station and caught a bus to Baeza, to revisit my girl Mia and my favorite place in Ecuador, the Magic Roundabout hostal. Kendall, a fellow volunteer came with me for some R and R, and we caught the bus with 2 other volunteers who were going onward. so it was nice to leave with some company.

Made it to the Magic Roundabout and welcomed the cooler air and the gorgeous view. had a great meal, took a great waterfall hike with the dogs and got in some hammock time.

The next day i had a 'i lost my wallet' scare, but ended up finding it. then Mia finally came to be social, curling up on my lap and sitting on my shoulders while i walked around.

said my goodbyes and headed off to quito. on the way our bus was stopped

my friend Marco took this from the deck at the Magic Roundabout- testing my macro function
by a police check point. we had to get out and show ids. kindof scary, but made it past. the view out the bus window was incredible. rainforests, waterfalls, and cloud forest.

Saturday, i took a day trip with an Israeli girl i met in my hostal to Otavalo, for the big market day. it was really colorful and cool. got too many souveneirs, which i ended up sending home.
i bought a llama poncho. and after negotiating and finalizing a good price, i asked, 'the llama didn't die did it'. i was told yes. what!! when i asked for clarification, the lady told me 'of course. we ate it.' so i felt awful that i'd murdered a llama, but a little relieved that at least it went to feed somebody. still, i apologized to the spirt of the llama as i wore it for the first time! oy!

so back in quito now, i am trying to arrange my next step. either spanish lessons in southern ecuador or my next volunteer place. i will keep you posted. lost one of my atm cards, so i will have to set up shop here for a few days until

From the deck at the Magic Roundabout- i love this shot!!!
that gets sorted out. all else is well. take care and keep in touch

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Magic Roundabout-view from a hammock on the deck!Magic Roundabout-view from a hammock on the deck!
Magic Roundabout-view from a hammock on the deck!

ah, my favorite view in all of Ecuador so far!
Waterfall hike, Magic RoundaboutWaterfall hike, Magic Roundabout
Waterfall hike, Magic Roundabout

Winston enjoys the reward of a great hike. the dogs did better than we did!!!

Mia comes to see me off. did i say i love this cat? dad, isn't she the spitting image of Jezabel as a kitten?
Bus Ride Baeza to QuitoBus Ride Baeza to Quito
Bus Ride Baeza to Quito

this is near Baeza- BEAUTIFUL. lots of waterfalls and green!
Bus Ride Baeza to QuitoBus Ride Baeza to Quito
Bus Ride Baeza to Quito

see the bus coming around the corner?
Rocky Terrain Rocky Terrain
Rocky Terrain

quito to otavalo is pretty rocky

approaching Otavalo, the scenery turns green again

pretty church in the town square

pretty church in the town square

7th August 2006

You know, I'm thinkin' I'd be a vegetarian too, if I lived in Ecuador and had to see meat in its earliest phases strewn all over creation without so much as an Igloo cooler to be seen!!! Because....EEEEEWWWW. Of course, I'd HAVE to be a vegetarian, because I'd have no money left for meat, after I spent it all on textiles and yarns. Which are two of the best pix EVER, can I just say?? And the pink and orange flowers are gorgeous, as well...they should be posters!! That's what I love about your photos--you use a lot of color.
8th August 2006

Amazing once again!
Have i told you how much i love your blogs and especially your photos? OK. The pig shots are pretty gross and I had to wonder if there were any smells associated with either the chickens or the pigs, but then decided I'd rather not know. I really love the orange flowers and isn't it wonderful that you found a kitty to love? thanks!

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