"Crumbling Temples”

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March 13th 2013
Published: March 14th 2013
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8-11th Mar – these few days we have been going to some crumbling temples. They are more than 800-years olds and some of them have just been found, so they have trees growing on them. On one of them I felt like I was going to fall off because some of the steps were wearing away and they were really steep. Angkor Wat is the World’s oldest temple, and we went there. It was so tall, there were loads of pictures on the walls of elephants, people and horses. Sadly we couldn’t go to the top because they were cleaning it. I really enjoyed it. We went to Angkor Thom, it is the King’s Palace - there was nobody there! It was so big and decorated in animals.

Some facts about Angkor Wat - The capital of the Kmer empire was Angkor for 500 years, Angkor had the most impressive group of temple buildings in the world, Angkor was built by King Suryavarman II and it was a Hindu temple. Later it became a Buddhist temple because the gods failed a later king and the whole Angkor complex is 15 miles east to west and 8 miles north to south. It was abandoned until the late 19th century, but was managed by the monks. Sophie

Today we went in a tuk tuk around temples. There were lots but I had two favourites. One had tress curling around the temple because it was so old tall trees had grown over it. There were so many passages but we took the easy route. The next good temple wasn’t a temple at all, it was a river with a lot of carvings (Hindu) in the stones. When we were going down there was a waterfall and I had a shower in it. IT WAS FREEZING! When we walked up we walked up with Buddhist Monks in their robes. 5 facts about Angkor Wat; 1. is the largest Hindu temple complex and the largest religious monument in the World. 2. The temple was built by Suryarvarman II 3. It was built in the early 12th Century. 4. The modern name Angkor Wat means temple city or city of temples in Khmer. 5. It was dedicated to Vishnu. Jonathan

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15th March 2013
Bayon 5

Crumbling Temples
Gee, you are just so lucky to see these temples and take the photos. I enjoyed them all.

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