Visas and vistas....

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Africa » Morocco » Tadla-Azilal » Azilal
February 25th 2013
Published: February 25th 2013
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Dear All,

We hope you are all well. We are attempting to upload a fair amount of photos instead of boring you with writing but IT seems to have got the better of us and only allows a 'squashed' version of the photo to be shown! Not the best! We will endeavour to get them up when the wireless is better.

So we are now in N'kob which is in the Jebel Sahro mountain range. That will mean nothing to the majority of you but picture desert, huge rocky sand coloured mountains with a line of palm trees running down a valley and a number of 'kasbahs' (old castle like homes) where we are currently staying. It is hot....the permanent black puffer has eventually been peeled off and our florescent white skin exposed to the sun....

We plan to do some more trekking here, having already done 3 days up in the high Atlas which was great.

Prior to trekking, we ventured to Rabat, the capital, to get the visa for Mauritania. Amazingly, it all went remarkably smoothly with the visa being turned around in the day. The queuing had a party like atmosphere to it especially when they advertised that women could go to the the way they treat their women!!

Rhubs has been great despite us trying to throw her off a cliff. Post trekking we wanted to drive to the next valley to transverse the atlas, and had to get over a pass of 2650m. It was all going well until a huge snow drift covered the route ahead for about a mile. David with his normal enthusiasm wanted to dig through to the pass but common sense prevailed (a sheer drop on one side was the main factor) and after a 15 point turn on the narrow track ( rather than a comedy reverse down the zig zags) we managed to work out another route. I still don't know whether we were being a bit over cautious but its a early in the trip for injuring Rhubs.

Latest medical fact for the blog: Whilst trekking, we seem to have come across numerous methods of increasing fertility, and easing childbirth: feeding eggs to eels in a certain pool being our favourite..... Luckily we didn't have any eggs....

Love to all, please let us know what you are up to as it is great to hear from you



26th February 2013

Sending Lovell Love
Hi guys, sounds absolutely amazing, keep sending more! Right decision to turn around on the pass x stay safe and when you get back would love a copy of that amazing pic of you guys on the moor. Might send it to the Devon Life weddings supplement....... Eve and Joe - both eel eggs
27th February 2013

Loving your entires so far guys! Well done you, sounds like such an adventure already. Really want to join you!!!! Keep the info coming. Its 0630 here and nanny has just arrived so I can go to work but thought I would write you a quick message before I go. All well here, Ally and Dunc in Cyprus this week and we're trying hard to find a time to meet up but so far I have triple booked myself without knowing! Anyway, hopefully tomorrow! We are all ok, Nico will be with us by Friday and we are all going skiing for a week in Chamonix with Tall Tim and Gina and their children. Honor doing well, finding her personnality and boundaries everyday - some more testing than others! So, loads of love to you both and speak to you soon xxxxxxxx
27th February 2013

Bon Voyage
Hello Dr Potter, Wife and Rhubarb - like the funny updates and photos, looks like your trip is going to be epic!- very adventurous, was probably best to turn around at the snow point. Bon Voyage!
28th February 2013

Hey you bloggers, get some better pictures going. Good to see you are having fun though and keep it up.
4th March 2013

We discovered your blog today
It looks like you have a great trip planned and we will follow along on your adventure. From your previous blog it looks like the photo issue is resolved. We loved our time in Morocco.

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