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February 18th 2013
Published: February 18th 2013
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It's the middle of February and I still keep forgetting its 2013. I took a look back at my New Year's Resolutions last night, just to see how I was doing. So far I think I'm rocking 'em! I have decided that this is going to be a "me" year. Not that last year wasn't, but it's time to be truly happy with myself and set serious goals to achieve that. So excuse me while I brag for a bit, but, hey, its all about me anyway, right?

Resolution 1: Body. Do more cardio, rebuild my relationship with running, practice yoga, eat better foods.

Progress: I cut out all soda, candy, and chips. I have been doing 30 minutes-1 hour of exercise 6 days a week. I'm mixing up running with high intensity/short duration cardio workouts and toning. I have dropped 5 pounds in 5 weeks, and would like to see 5 more go. I am the skinniest I've been since high school, my flexibility is improving, and I feel much more energetic and limber than ever before. I haven't been this happy with my body EVER, so I'm glad I finally figured out the ideal conditioning for my body. If you want to know more about my workout routine, feel free to message me.

Resolution 2: Mind. Read at least 1 new book every 2 weeks.

Progress: Finished the book I started reading before leaving for Thailand, Malcolm Gladwell's "The Tipping Point", powered through "Memoirs of a Geisha" and loved every page, just started "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo". A little behind my goal, but still doing more reading than I did in the previous 6 months!

Resolution 3: Soul. Let go of anything that does not serve me, grow me, or make me happy.

Progress: This one is tougher to gauge, but I think I'm following through. John and I broke up this past week. This was a very tough decision for both of us. We love and care about each other deeply, but sometimes no matter how much you love someone, it doesn't make them the right person for you. While I can be overly emotional, I am very good at being in tune with my emotions and, thus, being true to my heart. My heart was telling me that things weren't right, that there is someone else out there for me. So while John may not be my soul mate, he is one of my best friends, and we are still going to live and travel together. Not many break ups end so well, and I am grateful that we are in such a good place with each other. My soul is much more at peace.

I also vowed to work on my personal relationships with my parents, sister, and friends. Each year, as I continue to live away from home, I get a little better at keeping in touch with people. I have been devoting a lot of effort into being available on skype, sending weekly messages, and just generally keeping everyone in the loop. If you feel I have not reached out to you and you would like me to, send me an e-mail. I must say that everyone has been incredibly supportive of me the past few years, through all my various struggles and triumphs. It's having people in my life to encourage me that allows me to accomplish all the great things I do. Thank you for that.

I'll stop talking about myself now. Hopefully I will have some exciting adventures to tell you about next time, so until then take care!


7th March 2013

Good for you!
You have a right to brag! You have your head on straight ...and you efforts are admirable. Keep up the good work. Did John get his teaching papers worked out? Sounded like quite a hassle.

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