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Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Aschheim
September 22nd 2012
Published: September 22nd 2012
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Hey all!

Talk about feeling culture shock! The first place we are staying at is a small town outside of munich so not many people talk english! Made me feel quite uneasy when it came time to catch train into munich and everything was only written in geman! But suprisingly we managed and now know how to work munichs train system!

I'm currently sitting in accommodation just out of Munich, Germany! We have been here three nights and have been spending the days in the city centre. We have been 'preparing' for the main event Oktoberfest! We brought our traditional dirndls (not sure how to spell it) so we can feel a part of the festival. They look pretty cool can't wait to be going in two days to the festival! The city centre is full of people wearing traditional clothing... Many of those people are very drunk might I add!

I can't get over how common beer is here! People drink it in cafes, walking along the street (don't know if that one is legal) and just about everywhere! The shop we brought our outfit from served us wine Just to sip on while trying outfits on!

We did a food tour this morning with a young tour guide. Was good There were only four of us and the guide took us to a traditional restaurant in Munich were we had traditional Bavarian breakfast of beer and pretzel (of corse!) the beer was actually good! He told us that the beer we were having was one of the only beers left in Munich that were not owned by big companies... And for a non beer drinker I really liked it! We then went on to the Munich markets and walked around learning about the history of beer and Munich. Was good 20euro well spent.

Tomorrow we are off to stay at a family's house for Oktoberfest! Will be really fun and can't wait to experience an amazing festival. Apparently 2 million people go over the 16 days!

Haven't really started to feel like a proper backpacker yet! Me being me feels like I'm spending too much money to be living like a backpacker but I figure it's Oktoberfest... The only big thing were doing over here so may as well experience it properly!

Until next time,

Bye xx


22nd September 2012

its 6-7 million people, not two

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