1st entry with so much to say

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North America » United States » Washington » Seattle
July 13th 2006
Published: July 13th 2006
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Dear all,

Here's my first entry which will try to span the trip from Vancouver to Seattle without repeating what John has already posted. It's been incredibly tiring spanning such a huge section of the globe so I must admit my old carcass has had a hard time adapting to the new environment. I guess the cliche is to begin talking about the phenomenal size of everything, from pick up trucks that could comfortably serve as buses in Europe to the size of the drinks and food you can get. It's hilarious how big it all is and how insignificant it can make you feel. Another thing that's worth noting is the sheer quantity of Starbucks that there are here, it's as recurring as McDOnalds (which means there is one on every block, and at times facing each other). So if you want a premature death indulge in fast food and coffee and see how long you last...

Other than that we've done more walking than is feasible for human beings, as my legs groan and creek with every step of the way. Maybe it's age, or maybe these cities were never designed with walking in mind...

Unfortunately the half hours cost lots of money in the internet cafe, and I've spent most of my time e-mailing. I promise my next entry will be longer and in three languages, so watch this space.

Seeing as I've not had the opportunity to brag enough about football, I'll do that now.

ITALIA, ITALIA! To the rest of the world: OOOOOOOO ARE YA!

Now i know I've made some enemies, including John...


17th July 2006

on the road
La vita e i sogni sono fogli di uno stesso libro. Leggerli in ordine è vivere, sfogliarli a caso è sognare (o viaggiare?)
18th July 2006

ancora io
Caminante Caminante, son tus huellas el camino, y nada más; caminante, no hay camino, se hace camino al andar. Al andar se hace camino, y al volver la vista atrás se ve la senda que nunca se ha de pisar. Caminante, no hay camino, sino estelas en la mar.
18th July 2006

How many roads must a man walk down before you can call him a man?
24th July 2006

So many evocative memories you counjure up in my head of my fathers homeland... and the entry from you John about Mt St Helens... Quite a sight. Really the rugged backbone of the States. and the sizes... forget the quantity of McDonalds - you realise you are near to the homeland of the big chip? Howay man, I hear you protest faintly... oh yes. I feel a spot of vegetable tourrettes coming on... looking forward to seeing you both guys. say hello to cali for me. x jonty

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