Pray. Dream. Act.

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Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence
August 31st 2012
Published: August 31st 2012
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The time has finally come! I head to Florence, Italy tomorrow in search of so many things... adventure, learning, language, culture, discovery, friendship, and most of all, myself. I attended my parents' church service yesterday at Harrisonburg (VA) Baptist Church. There was a point in the service where they introduced a new mission statement - Pray. Dream. Act. How apropos for what I'm about to do!! I certainly prayed about taking this MAJOR leap of faith for almost 2+ years, dreamed about doing something so far outside my comfort zone that I can only hope to find my way back (if really necessary), and finally found the courage to ACT upon it. I'm not sure where I've gotten the nerve to do something that so many have said "Wow, that's certainly a bold thing to do!" But thanks to my friends and family for their support as I embark on this Great Adventure!! Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I journey throughout Italy over these next 90 days using the Light of the Tuscan Sun and the Lord as my compass.


31st August 2012

Today's the Big Day!
I'm so excited for you and your new journey! I'm certain you will love every mintue of it. I love the blog and I can't wait to read about all of your Italian adventures. And I'm still a little jealous! Good luck, have fun and keep us updated!!
31st August 2012

Best wishes!!
Karen, You are an inspiration and with the Lord as your compass you are sure to be led in the direction that he has made for you. Remember on your journey to "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight" Proverbs 3:5-6 Praying for blessing, protection and the greatest experience of your life!!!!

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