Where did you two meet?

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July 11th 2006
Published: July 11th 2006
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Hello everybody, John here.

Firstly apologies for the lack of photos, as warned in the introduction we have totally failed to master digital cameras, or the leads that go into the PC. We'll try and upload some photos soon. Until then, try imagining the wonderfully described scenes below.

Finally am getting round to write this at 8.20pm Vancouver time, but my body is saying "Why are you still up? its 5am, you crazy fool" (although unfortunately I haven't morphed into Mr. T, maybe I'll get some plastic surgery in LA to fix that).

Sunday was the longest sunday ever, beginning at 4am in Coventry and finishing some 27 hours of continuous travelling later talking to an excitable Chinese man in a random hostel in Vancouver. After being told to sleep in a double bed our hostle owner, who spoke slightly more English than I do Chinese, he took pitty on us and gave us a room with two bunk beds. Which was great, if unbeliveably hot, we're talking turkish baths with beds and a fridge here.

The flights over were pretty uneventful, even with Cesco trying to find out about the Italy score in the World Cup final that was playing while we were flighing (for thoes of you living under a rock for the last week they won, que weary celebrations). Having said that we had to sprint around Toronto airport as they hadn't issued us with boarding cards for the second flight in Manchester. Although when we did arrive in Canada we were extensively questioned by a 7 year old posing as a border guard. He had some winning questions like "where did you meet" "how much money are you carrying". At one point I thought he was going to ask what make of underwear Cesco was wearing, he was really that thorough.

Fortunately he liked our confused and slightly bewildered faces and let us in.

Currently we are in Vancouver, where there is one crazy person for every 10 regular people (really) but will be heading to Seattle on the 12th and Portland on the 16th and from there to 'Cali' (we are that west coast). You never know there might even be photos by then!

Anyway chaps will endevor to keep you posted on our continued well organised progress.

Pip Pip


11th July 2006

There is a faint suggestion from your entry that this trip of yours could be quite surreal... how exciting though! Cesco - thanks to your lovely Italian football kicking bretheren, I won £60! If you should hear any ghost stories.... xx

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