Workin' Hard To Make A Livin'

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July 9th 2006
Published: July 9th 2006
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Hi all, How are ya's. Well, Banff is going pretty sweet for me. I'm working at Bumpers Beef House with my cousin Shannon. So far, I've mainly worked in the 'Dishpit' and prepared Salads etc. Believe it or not, it's actually quite good there. The 'Dishpit' is quite dirty, hot and rather busy but the people who work there are great and always alot of fun. They have a CD player in the kitchen which constantly cranks out loud tunes which always keeps your motivation levels up in there. Also, there is a nice quiet little bar right upstairs so after work we head up there for a few lovely cold beers which a staff discount. But.. the best thing about working there is we are each allowed anything off the menu for dinner for FREE ! Geez, those prime ribs are beautiful !! I work about 5 shifts a week.

Also, I've also done a couple of odd jobs here and there with Shannon. We did some landscaping the other day and earnt $20/hr which was awesome. We also helped sell fruit and vegies out the back of a semi truck too. So, unlike Montreal, we've finally got some good steady money coming into re-fill our wallets. Woohoo !!

We are currently living with 2 other guys who work at Bumpers Beef House. The living conditions aren't entirely the best though. We're sleeping on the kitchen and loungeroom floors. There's always drunk people there who make alot of noise and like to stay up all night watching DVD's and there is a 2 month old puppy who always runs around jumping on us and waking us up during the night. And, there is no front door key so we have to climb through small windows to get into the house. But, I shouldn't complain too much because Shannon and I don't have to pay anything to them for rent which is nice of them.

Shannon's leaving in about a week to British Columbia to do some fruitpicking for 2 weeks, then he's planning on coming back to Banff for a week and then to head up north to the oil rigs. My plan is to stay here in Banff for about a month, work and save and then to leave to elsewhere. This week I am going to hopefully get some shared accodation with somebody so I can have my own nice warm comfy bed, my own room and some privacy and stop bothering other people with my loud chainsaw like snoring. Hahaha !!

Other then that, we've just been hanging around, having fun and trying not to spend/waste to much money. But it's hard here, there's always something that you spend money on in Banff. We've been hanging around the local park heaps relaxing and listening to music getting some nice sun tans.

Oh, before I go, on a different note can I just say that I really feel sorry for Australia in the World Cup going out like that. That was a really cruel blow to us in the end against Italy. We were definately the better team in that game and deserved to win. I hope France beat Italy tommorrow in the World Cup. I was happy to see Brazil get kicked out the other day. And, how could I miss out on mentioning about THE QUEENSLAND MAROONS BEATING THE NEW SOUTH WALES BLUES and winning the series. I was so happy when I heard about that !

Anyway everyone, better go now so keep in touch and I'll write again soon ! Take Care !


13th July 2006

hey mate glad to hear all is going well, and your enjoying yourselves, where your staying sounds like an experience. The Maroons win was an awesome game, we've got the cowboys v Broncos here in Townsville in a week n a half, which Maddi will cheerlead. So we'll be there to cheer on the boys but i think Bronco's will beat em. Well mate take care and chat soon did you get a mobile? love Neen

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