Lindenow to Merimbula (23 May 2012)

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May 29th 2012
Published: May 29th 2012
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After spending two nights at Lindenow and getting some more stuff organised we were off to Merimbula, we got away a bit later than we would have liked I thought I better get that new battery before we ended up stuck in the middle of nowhere needing a jump start, and Mandy got some much needed supplies of the food and alcohol variety. We left Lindenow/Bairnsdale at around 11.30am with 300 odd kms to do before dark, was not to keen driving unfamiliar roads at night with the van attached. Bairnsdale to Orbost was a pretty easy run, but after going through Orbost the road got a bit windier and the hills steeper, but they were no match for the mighty Jeep, it powered up and down the hills pulling the nearly 3 tonnes with ease we were making great time, then ten minutes later Mandy told me to slow down and pull my head in, from then on I eased off the accelerator and took it slowly.
There was not much traffic on the road so we just cruised along, taking it easy, Chloe fell asleep and we thought we will keep driving until she wakes and then stop for lunch, she woke at around 2.30 so we found a rest stop at the side of the road just before Cann River. It was nice quite little stop, we cooked up some hotdogs, one of the advantage of towing your house around, whilst the girl discovered the joys of doing the arm pull wave to the passing truckers and them honking their horns in response.
After lunch in was time to hit the road again, I knew we would be pushing it to make it be nightfall, and I was right, well sort of, we made it to the caravan park just as the sun was setting. We booked in and drove to our site, and there we had our first of many “heated discussions” about backing up and giving direction. Anyway we got on our site, and it was quite beautiful it was only metres from a cliff overlooking the sea, we could hear the waves crashing on the rocks from inside the van.
We set up and hooked up everything and made quick Spag Bol to feed the crew, everyone was pretty tired so it was a fairly early night that night we made plans to do nothing the next day, just to ease our way into the holiday, a “pre-holiday holiday” if you will.

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30th May 2012
Van site at Merimbula

Great Set Up
You all seem to be enjoying yourselves...i love this picture with the two kids holding hands in the back ground..missing you all stay safe and remember we love you very much!!!!!
30th May 2012

30th May 2012

Ebbage Adventure
Loving the blog. I feel like I'm on the holiday with you. Garry and I holiday in Merimbula every Christmas to catch up with one son in Eden, one in South Pambula and his daughter in Merimbula, so we know that area and we always make sure we visit the Bega Cheese factory. Could live at Merimbula we love it so much, only it's too far to drive to the MCG!! Love Auntie Kay.

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