bye bye melbourne hello sydney

Published: July 5th 2006
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hey! right well we started the trip early- or 4 me just an extension of the previous day! and set off to wilson's promitory! this is a beautiful national park, where we saw wild roos, several different wombats species(amber), emu's etc. this place is absolutely huge an so diverse, we started off in the plains with the animals, then ventured a little further to this stunning little bay where we saw a (snowy) wombat- not entirely sure that’s right but he was just wondering across the beach. what was so cool about these animals is that they're wild and et they let you just wonder through their territory totally unbothered by us. we then went to another beautiful reserve, where you can camp which had they most beautiful scenery- blue blue skies(also was feeling heat), mountains and lakes that reflect almost perfect images of them! then moved on to squeaky beach- where the sand actually squeaked as you walk across it!!- we then set off to the campsite that we were styling at for the night. THIS WAS FREEZING!!! we cooked this BBQ outside but it was soo cold people very quickly returned to their beds which i was more then happy about seeing as there had been a slight lack of it!- despite freezing- slept and was woken early as usual for breakfast. out first site of the day was to tara valley rainforest a cool/temperate one rather then a tropical one. it was filled with such rich vegetation and huge trees, and mini waterfalls. we then headed across to this wine tasting place, iv forgotten its name- have it upstairs but will take 2 long to get it, but we samples their wines and ports and all left a bit happier then when we arrived! then headed up to ninety mile beach, in geelong, or according to my guide craig(legend), 88..he was bored one day so measured on map....?!!?!?!?---lol!! anyway, this beach was amazing, hardly anyone one it and as far as you could see there was beach- awsome- again..plugged into my ipod and strolled up- happy as larry!! this was the last place we visited on the second day and we headed off to our 2nd hostle- a monks mountain top hideaway/hostle. this was an experince- trying to concentrate with boys cracking up whilst meditating- not easy and yes i had 2 sit still for a whole hour---5 mins in i began to twitch--ggaaarrr!!!- proves rather hard!! but yer am dubious into how committed this monk who took us for mediation acatully was- he didnt seem to know much, didnt really keep to the rules(but its ok cos the monks in Thailand n china do---!?!?!?!), cracked up when the boys started laughing and it seemed to me that he ditched his real life because he was in debt and he's now "supported"!!! anyway enough of my religious convictions- was very interesting, amusing/ glad i experienced it- however not entirely convinced by some of they antics!!!! right, day three we were heading up to the snowy mountains so i prepared- yup 7 layers- pretty much everything i owned- 2 pares of trousers- and even though we may have laughed about it- i was warm in the snow!!! but yer we wound through the mountains from the monks, passed seldom seen village- this consists of a shack, a garage/pump and some crazy guy with a spade!!!!!- ppl would rather walk then fill up there. he, crazy spade guy, and his dog live in the area where the huge bush fires that lasted for weeks a few years ago, was on news, were, and he survived the fires by jumping into the little pond with his dog, where he sat for 3 days!!!! its amazing because know one likes crazy spade guy!! then passed again a village, suggan buggan, again a house but this time it had a school. i say school - it ws hte size of a shed- my group of 12 could jsut about fit in. it was for the kids when they came back form school to learn about agricultral studies- something like that. right then winded up for 4 hours in toal to the snowy mountains!!!!! this was awesome- i was warm with me layers and we hired sledges, had snow ball fights, my mate George did pretty much naked snow angel in snow and then we hit pub! overall was fun. day then improved as we headed slightly back down mountain to jindabyne to the most AMAZING hostel- was like a hotel....and it had a pool and sauna. we got loadsa food and then hit the pub and whilst waiting for the england game we watched the model compition- my mind was constantly thing -"are these girls actually serious”. then we listened n tried to dance to possibly the worst DJ ever- ver very bad untill it was time for the game--disappointing end realli!? o well... right again with few hours sleep- slept in kinda n upright position- don think indented and we set of for our final day! today was going to consist of going camberra....this is possibly the weirdest most soulless place i have ever been. it was basically created to stop Sydney n Melbourne fighting over which was to be capital adn it is a city plonked in the middle of nowhere with horrendous architecture, knowone was about and its absolutly lifeless and boring. was very weird. however glad i went though- really made me think of what a city should compose of...there wasn’t one old building- apart form the parliament building the architecture as iv said was awful, the city has no connection with the i suspect man made lake--so strange! however, in Canberra we did vist the war memorial which is very good- made me relaise i no very little about Australia’s history, not that there’s much western history b4 it was colonized, but they did actually play big parts in the WW's. anyway, after a moving trip to the memorial and then a look at the parliament building- that’s cool- we headed off to SYDNEY


6th July 2006

bye bye Melbourne...
Good to hear from you again. It seems ages since the last Blog, but you are still having a wonderful time. We received your e-mail, but can only download one pic—a river, with no name! Will try and phone you on your Birthday. Lots of Love, Grannie & Poppa
7th July 2006

You know it doesnt make much sense There ought to be a law against Anyone who takes offense At a day in your celebration cause we all know in our minds That there ought to be a time That we can set aside To show just how much we love you And Im sure you would agree It couldnt fit more perfectly Than to have a world party on the day you came to be Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8th July 2006

hey stef, happy birthday to you. again i'm mega jealous of your travels. its cold wearing wool!crappy comment i know but nay mind!! love love x
8th July 2006

Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear Ste-ef, Happy Birthday to you. etc etc. Brilliant that you got to the Opera House tonight. Every one loves Melbourne and Sydney. Its difficult to choose which is best. Just love them both! Love Mum, Dad, Alex and Fred and lonely Nala.
10th July 2006

Belated Happy Birthday
oooops this is very late but we wish you a happy birthday - thought about you on the 7th and kept thinking must go and send a birthday blog in a minute but it was one of those days when that minute didn't arrive until today! Not that we were doing anything wildly exciting just everyone flying everywhere doing the usual end of term things and needing to be picked up and dropped off all over the place! Have just caught up with your blogs and your're obviously having a really good time and getting to see loads. Here it's raining and it rained yesterday too. Desperately in need of some settled weather and some sunshine. Becca came back from Minorca on Saturday - had a great time at the villa with eight friends just chilling out and chilling out! Ed had his first official driving lesson last week. Instructors car should be fixed soon! (only kidding!) Olivia very happy as holidays have started at last - she was the last to break up. No other news have a great time and please bring us back a wombat. They sound sweeeeeeeet. Lots of love and again sorry the birthday greetings were late, Tony Shona Becca Ed and Ollie xxxxxxxx
10th July 2006

Very very jelous!
Hey beautiful!!! been looking in on ur amazing travels, the photographs are breath taking!!! It was ur Birthday? i didnt kno, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! what a place 2 celebrate tho! wish i was there! lol Anyway mayB c you agains ome day soon, il keep reading ur blogs they make me happy 2 kno of such places that exist in the world! n all the cute little animals! Love you lots XX Tia XXX

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