Daily Journal - June 2006

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June 24th 2006
Published: July 20th 2006
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Rainy 3 Hour Tour
Nancy, Doug & Copper


Thursday, June 1/06. Cloudy 17C
I spent most of the morning washing the motor home. Spent the day with Nick down in Sambro, had lunch at Crystal Crescent Beach and then visited with Victor & Kim, Granville & Carol, and then up to the Boat Works.
Then headed home and had supper and then over to David & Kristy’s for the night. David worked until 9:00 pm.

Friday, June 2/06. Rained 18C
Did some groceries shopping today and spent the rest of the day sleeping. I finished washing the motor home after my nap.

Saturday, June 3/06. Rained all day 18C
Did some shopping and then picked up John at 11;30 am. Broke camp amid the rain, heavy at times. Traveled back to Rayport Campgrounds near Mahone Bay. John and Cheryl are joining us tonight. They are arriving after Cheryl’s work is finished.

Sunday, June 4/06. Rained all day 15C
John & Cheryl arrived around 11:00 PM, and everything is a blank from then on. We were up early, around 8:30 am, when Cheryl informed us that we were all going on a four hour walking tour of Lunenburg. Well after John, Cheryl and Nancy got their rain coats on, opened their umbrella’s and were all ready to go, Doug decided to view the village from the warm and dry car. We spent the afternoon touting Mahone Bay shops.
We went to bed about 2:00AM.

Monday, June 5/06. Cloudy 17C
We took the Light House Trail home to Halifax. It was about a four hour trip. We stopped at the Swiss Air Memorial and had a picnic at a road side park. Arrived at John & Cheryl’s about 6:00pm and then back to Kristy and David’s about 7:00PM. I went to unhook the car from behind the Motor Home, but alas the car was dead, the battery had been drained, I think because John drove it uo and I didn’t check it out, once we had it hooked up. Anyway we jumped the batteries and all was OK.

Tuesday, June 6/06. Sunny 20C
Nancy and I spent the day, enjoying the sun and view from Kristy and David’s deck. I went to Porter’s Lake for some groceries and stopped at the Provincial Park on Potter’s Lake. Beautlful. Had a nice supper with Kristy, David worked until 8:30PM

Wednesday, June 7/06. Cloudy 17C
David is off for the next two days, so he and I took the motor home into Cole Harbour for gas and to check the tire preasure. After we were finished we noticed that anti freeze was spewing out on the ground. We took the motor home to Dartmouth Cummings and after they check it out they decided to order a part from the states which will be in on Friday, about noon. They will then install the new part for the cooling system. Kristy left for Sydney, NS about 5:00pm. Had a nice supper with David then we watched the 2 nd game of the Stanley Cup Finals between Edmonton and Carolina.

Thursday, June 8/06. Rained all day 10C
Cold, wet and miserable day, spent the morning working in the motor Home. Meet Nick and Mona for lunch at the Golf Club in Dartmouth. The former President of the Club and his wife joined us, Larry and Marie. Had supper with David as Kristy is spending some time at Sydney, NS. Tomorrow she is at New Glasgow, were Gary & Mary will pick her up at 5:30pm.

Friday, June 9/06. Cloudy 14C
Well, we started the day off, taking the motor home to Cummings in Dartmouth, Nancy and I left about 10:30 AM, almost made it all the way, when the beast overheated along the way. I should mention here that not only did we have Copper, our dog, but we also had Mighty Ben, David & Kristy’s year old dog. So when we arrived we had to detach the Jeep from the back of the motor home, transfer the dogs to the jeep. We left it for an hour and did some shopping, got a haircut, got some medication for Nancy, finally arriving at Cummings with about a pint of coolant left. They informed us that it would be ready about 2:30 pm. We arrived back at 3:30 pm and after transferring the dogs into the motor home, hook up the jeep to the back we left with the coolant problem resolved. We started down the highway only to discover we had another problem, during the fixing of the coolant problem a sensor had been dislodged and so we returned to Cummins, where we detached the jeep from the back of the motor home, transferred the dogs into the back of the jeep and after an hour or so we did the switch back to the motor home with the jeep and the dogs, we’re on our way again. It is now 6:30 pm and we are headed to Garry and Mary’s summer home in Pictou, Nova Scotia. We meet John and Cheryl in Pictou, and they follow us out to Caribou Island. I finally made a wise decision, leaving the motor home in a farmers yard at the side road, and not trying to take it into Garry’s summer home, we would only have gotten the motor home stuck in the mud !!!! We enjoyed a “Shed Party” with Mary & Garry, Kristy, John and Cheryl and Nancy and I. We went to bed late, enough said.

Saturday, June 10/06, Cloudy and Cool 12C
Visited with everyone most of the day, showed john & Cheryl the Wood Island ferry over to Prince Edward Island, they are meeting with their “A” friends for the rest of the weekend. David arrives at about 5:30 pm, we had a delicious lobster feed and then another “Shed Party”, another late night, and enough said.

Sunday, June 11/06 Cloudy 10C
After a short night, we had a beautiful lobster omelette, prepared by Garry, while everyone else just layed around. I had a snooze for the rest of the day. Kristy prepared a delicious ham supper, with fried potatoes and asparagus. Played some cards “Golf” after dinner and then went to bed about 11:30 pm. Nancy wins and Garry finished a close sixth.

Monday, June 12/06, Cloudy 18C
David, Kristy and Ben leave about 7:00am, Mary leaves about 8:45 am and Nancy and I go over to say goodbye to Garry. We get back to the motor home, put in the slide, lift up the leveling pistons start the motor home. Now in stead of backing out of the laneway onto the side road, I decide to loop around the roadway and come onto the side road at right angles. Bad decision, the side of the roadway is soft and don’t you know it, I get the motor home rear wheels, buried to the axle in soft goo, and I am stuck. Unload Nancy and Copper, go over to Gary’s and call for a tow truck, he arrives about an hour later and pulls us out of the goo!!!!!!!! Hook up the Jeep to the motor home and were on our way. I take the local road out towards Pictou, but discover that there is a bridge with a 6 ton rating, so I try to turn the motor home around, on a small road. Pull off onto the road and start to detach the jeep from the back of the motor home, bad idea, the motor home is on a slight slope uphill and once you release the jeep from it, the jeep will roll down the hill, the safety chains should hold, not a chance, I run down the hill, jump in and stop the jeep. Nancy is sick in the bathroom, then we turn the motor home around, hook up the jeep and head to Moncton, New Brunswick. Now at 8:30 pm , I have just read this passage to Nancy, who is finally laughing about it.

Tuesday, June 13/06 Cloudy 22C
Spent another day at Stonehurst Camping, Moncton, N.B. Did a little sight seeing, visited the Magnetic Hill and did some shopping. I fixed the cable for the Jeep hitch. Washed the jeep and cleaned up the motor home. Nancy did some washing.

Wednesday, June 14/06, Sunny Periods 21C
We left Moncton, New Brunswick at about 10:30 am, headed for Bangour, Maine.
We had a wonderful day, no problems with the motor home. We stopped at Woodstock, New Brunswick for lunch and then went through Houlton, Maine then on to Bangour, Maine. We arrived at 5:00pm at Cristies Camp Grounds in East Newport, Maine. We lose an hour tonight, moving the clock back to Eastern Daylight Time.

Thursday, June 15/06, Sunny 23C
We left east Newport, Maine this morning and traveled to Raymond, New Hampshire. We stayed at beautiful camp grounds, paved service roads and beautiful huge pines. We had our second good day with the motor home. Weather finally breaking, dry and warm, sunny as well.

Friday, June 16/06, Sunny 29C
We had the hitch on the Jeep fixed this morning. We will have to watch this problem for a few days. Left about 11:00am and traveled to Burlington, Vermont. We had a beautiful and spectacular drive through the White Mountains of New Hampshire and the through the mountains of Vermont. We arrived here about 3:00pm.

Saturday, June 17/06, Sunny 26C
Toured Lake Champlain Region, visiting Ausable Casam’s at Plattsburg, NY, then on to the Vermont Teddy Bear Factory and the back to the Campgrounds. The whole trip was about 200K.

Sunday, June 18/06, Sunny 35C
Very hot today, stayed in the Motor Home, air conditioning, and watch the US Open on CBS. Nancy took me out for dinner to a local Steak House. Supper was exceptional.

Monday, June 19/06 Cloudy 29C
We spent the day traveling from Burlington, VT to Ottawa, ON. We left about 9;30 AM and arrived at Angel’s about 3:00pm. Now were are back in Ottawa and out of the Motor Home, so the Diary will take a short rest until we return to the Motor Home.


5th July 2006

miss you
Was used to seeing you every few days/ weeks.....hope you're enjoying a relaxing July thus far!!! Talk to you soon!

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