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June 19th 2006
Published: June 19th 2006
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right I know its been ages and ye are all wondering what the hell is going on in the extravagant lives of kev and del, well here´s another addition then folks.
These are all old photos by now of our time in argentina. Met some top ppl; si & jo (gotta love em), julia (who got interviewed by argentinian TV!) and her fella whose name I can´t remember (sorry). Lots of others 2. B.A was really cool, thanks paddy!
Most of the photos are self explanitary, but there is one in particular I think I should elaborate on! In one of the photos theres me,si,jo, & del tucking in 2 an asado (argentinian bbq). A good time was being had by all in an otherwise shite day for si & jo (mugged in La Bocca, bad job!), but what happened afterwards is simply class. We finshed our food and decided to get lashed, picked up a couple of bottles of vino tinto and headed back to the hostel. Myself and del decided to show jo,si and some others how to play switch/kings. Lots of wine was consumed and my poor lil baby had a wee bit too much to drink and was not the bundle of energy she normally is the next day - cue ´the morning after the night before´pic. The bus ride to rosario was none to comfortable either with frequent ´trips´to the onboard toilet! I on the other hand found it hallarious and had comfort her between bouts of laughter. You had to be there I think tho.
ps I think this really is the best pic of si I could find, he really is a very ugly man! (only joking)
The day before pukey day, we went to eva perons grave and one of the biggest markets I´ve ever seen, over a mile long, probably more, was HUGE! Thats where we saw my argentinian equivalent on a poster board looking all too seductive! cue - just a touch, brilliant slogan I might add. And thats about it for those pics. gonna do some more in a bit so stay posted, l8rs.

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just for fijust for fi
just for fi

How does this thing work again kev?
just a touch!just a touch!
just a touch!

I´m everywhere

Unfortunately this is the best pic of si I could find.

del´s found a new love 4 meat!
Del´s brekkieDel´s brekkie
Del´s brekkie

untouched - the morning after the night before.

20th June 2006

actually i think im very pretty. my mum told me.

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