Moscow Time

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July 15th 2011
Published: July 14th 2011
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Wednesday 13th July – Why does it always rain on me?

After an early arrival into Moscow, a battle to recognize the Cyrillic version of the metro stop we needed and almost giving up and checking into an expensive hotel, we found our base for the next couple of days. Petrovka Loft is an up-market hostel with what we discovered was a brilliant shower – much needed after 3 nights on trains. Once clean and rested, we hit Red Square, but the weather wasn’t on our side. Alex valiantly tried to take photos of St Basils while I searched through a designer shopping center for a reasonably-priced umbrella. There is a lot to be said for the expansion of British businesses into global markets – Accessorize was our saviour on this occasion. So after an expensive coffee and a miraculous break in the weather, we were able to fully explore the Kremlin (onion-domes galore) and get some great shots of Red Square. Alex really wanted to see the embalmed body of Lenin but thankfully his mausoleum was shut for the afternoon. Pity…

Dimecres, 13 de Juliol – plou o no plou??

Despres de 3 nits de trens I el segon xoc amb l’alfabet ciril.lic I la alarmant manca de senyals a aquestes parts del mon hem aconseguit arribar al hotel, que vindria a ser un hostal pijet pero on les dutxes ens ha anat taaant be! Despres de dutxar-nos I descansar una mica hem sortit a donar un vol per la Plasa vermella, Kremlin, etc… la veritat es que la frustracio de la pluja ve del fet que sembla que cada cop que ens preparem per a veure algo, plou! Mentre que quan parem a dinar o a descansar fa un dia precios! Ahir, despres de MOLTA frustracio, vam comprar paraigues, I, evidentment, ha parat de ploure!

Pero com deia, despres de un parell d’hores molt frustrant amb les fotos I de tornar 4 cops a la catedral de St Basili, he aconseguit la foto que volia.

La veritat es que el centre I la ciutat es bastant impresionant, ja tinc ganes de veure parts mes rurals, igual que al paisos de l’est d’Europa, espero trobar una diferencia inmensa!

Thursday 14th July – trains again!

Day 2 of Moscow saw us leaving on a train – but not far – only to Sergiev Posad where there was a very impressive monastery. All the walls of the churches were painted with images of saints and the grounds of the monastery were littered (pardon the inappropriate verb choice) with priests who looked like Rasputin. Needless to say Alex felt very at home among the bearded throng. On the way out we passed a market selling matryoshkas (Russian dolls) so the argument about whether these are tasteful or tacky souvenirs is now underway. Alex really wants one… we’ll see.
Now we’re back in Moscow and have booked tickets to the opera in St Petersburg. It’s 10.10pm and the sun still hasn’t set. I wonder what the white nights will be like tomorrow when we head north.

Dijous, 14 de Juliol – mes trens!!

Avui hem aprofitat el dia per anar a Sergiev Posad, una ciutat a uns 60 kms de Moscow on hi ha un impresionant monestir dedicat a Sergei, el sant del pais.

Ha estat realment impresionant veure aquest lloc I la quantitat de monjos ortodoxos. Comenso a adonarme de lo diferent que es la esglesia ortodoxa al que tenia vist. Tot es tenebros, I teatric!

El dia be, I els tenderetes de souvenirs impresionants! Matryoshkas, gorros peluts, gorros militars, etc… la Carmeta hauria fet molt de mal, vaja! Continuem be I continuem amb dies llarguissims! Hi ha llum fins a les 11 de la nit! I dema cap a St Petersburg, o sigui mes al nord!


15th July 2011

Buy the doll! They're amazing!
15th July 2011
St Basil's Cathedral

NENSSS sols espero k tingueu un molt bon viatge, k feu tots dos moltes fotos per deixarme en Bavia una estona!!k us ho passeu molt b guapos!!!!a disfrutar k la vida son 2 dies!ja anireu explicant el viatge!!sort

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