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June 14th 2011
Published: June 14th 2011
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Nanno and INanno and INanno and I

This is Paolo's grandfather (Elena's dad) whose name in English is "Eugene"
Well once again, today was a day where we didn't do much at all. But I'm going to be very careful with this because whenever I say I didn't do much in a day, it ends up being one of my longer posts. So I'm going to give myself and you a bit of a break today, and this entry is going to be pseudo-short.

Just like yesterday, we didn't do much all day until this evening. I spend most of my day studying some Italian, watching some "Improv-a-ganza" online, playing wii with Claudia, and reading the crazy book known as "Clockwork Orange". That was all fine and dandy.

Well you all remember Davide, whom I met and talked about yesterday. We were supposed to meet up today at around 4 in the afternoon just to hang out, but apparently there was some miscommunication because that never happened. I enjoy talking to Davide- not only do we have some things in common but he is also very helpful to my Italian-speaking skills (which are still not very good. But i'm trying!) I eventually got to see him and talk with him a bit this evening, which is better than
Davide and IDavide and IDavide and I

This is Davide, the guy that I talked about in yesterdays post and again in today's
none at all I suppose 😊

By the way, Italian arguments are pretty entertaining sounding... it's so fast and rapid that all it sounds like to me is "boppity boopity boppity bop!" Just like how Peter Griffin on Family Guy attempts to speak Italian. If you are not familiar with that, you should look it up: "family guy; speaking italian". Let the magic of google take you away...

Later that evening we went to the "Festa de sport" (or something like that) where Paolo played beach volleyball in the tournament there (unfortunately, he lost). But this is when I had the chance to talk to Davide again. We started to talk about how to fold a paper football and other things when Paolo's grandfather suddenly found us and began to talk to us. Let me tell you, if there ever was an older man that loved his phone technology, it is Paolo's granddad. Every time I have seen him, he always wants to take a picture of me and email it to my Dad, so every time we go through the process of taking a photo and mailing it. He then told me how the next time my
The Coffee MachineThe Coffee MachineThe Coffee Machine

When I was bored, I took a picture of this, thinking you might want to see how they made a quick (but extremely small) shot of coffee
Dad emails him back in English (which he doesn't understand much of), he was going to reply in Italian (I told him that my Dad would actually more or less like that. So beware, Dad).

Some interesting things I observed at the "Festa de sport" (or whatever)
--An interesting team sport where you score points by throwing a looped rope around the pole that the teammate on the end of the field is holding. It's played sort of like ultimate frisbee, except with a circular rope and a big stick to ring it around.
--Some sort of tae-kwon-do competition (I didn't see it up close, so i'm not sure if it was a competition or just a technique exhibition)
--People dressed up in western clothing. Now, being from the area of the USA with Rodeos like Cheyenne Frontier Days, I know what the stereotypical cowboy and cowgirl dress like. But I saw a couple of people that tried to pull it off... and needless to say didn't do so hot. Oh well, it was funny to see them try from all the way across the world!
--Line dancing and country music. This one shocked me, when they started playing
The Cereal MachineThe Cereal MachineThe Cereal Machine

Along with the coffee machine, here is the dispenser we get our cereal out of. This one is actually quite entertaining to use!
country music and people started line dancing. I guess it never occured to me that they'd do that to. (By the way, if American "country music" is played outside of the US, should it be re-titled as "foreign-country music?" Just one thing I found myself thinking...)
--Them playing the Cotton Eyed Joe song. For this one, I couldn't have been more surprised, delighted, and willing to sing along. GO POKES! 😱

Anyway, that was my day. I hope this post was shorter than usual... I haven't seen the word-count yet.



14th June 2011

Man, u are always the best...I love ur blog...and I hope to hang around with you! :) Sei davvero un grande amico :)
17th June 2011

Paolo's grandfather
Have him add me to his email list! lol!

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