ko pha ngan

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May 11th 2006
Published: May 20th 2006
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hello...arrived on koh pha ngan exhausted..so got into the first guesthouse taxi that saw us and ended up at Stone Wall guesthouse..which has a great view as it is basically at the top of a mountain and from my little spot on our porch it over looks the beach..but try walking up there sober let alone after a night here..you literally have to have a shower everytime you've walked up the hill..its bad!
koh pha ngan is amazing.its like a bubble of partyness...on the first day dave and i booked a scuba diving course, then went out in the evening and realised there was no way we were going to be able to get up at 7am everymorning..and cancelled the whole thing the next morning until after Full Moon! We have liek 6 days til full moon but have to get here early to get somewhere to stay, apparantly last year attracted 12,000..but i'm not to sure i believe that..
The beach at night is packed with people, on mats..there are flame throwers and even a hoop of fire that people who are drunk enough jump through (yannick and chris did it twice)..buckets, passed out people, bandages and silliness is pretty
haad rin sunrise beachhaad rin sunrise beachhaad rin sunrise beach

view from our bungalow porch
much everywhere..it doesn;t take much convincing to join in...
i met up with my friend little lauren which was amazing and p.s. she is a real life GIRL!! we lend each other eyeliner and everything!!
apart from that we're going out at night, reading and chillin all day on the beach or up at our guesthouse..got to say- its a good life right now!

so its now the 20th..and we leave for phuket a demain. its been good to us here, but we're ready to leave now..dave and i did a scuba course, well dave did, actually neither of us did. we booked in and both did the first day but then i have something wrong with my back and so stopped and dave just got really scared..you know what hes like.. so he stopped. he started crying on the first dive because he thought a fish the size of nemo got too close to him and the instructor thought he was gay!!..but thats ensor for you. anyway the weathers taken a major turn for teh worse, and its raining constantly and with a vengence..so that sort of ruins the whole beach life attitude.. but still having fun..
have really had enough of slumming it though..soon we will be in penang and i cannot wait to ahve a hot shower..a toilet that flushes..a towel that doesn't smell of mildew..maybe even a pillow..but mostly a hot shower. that reminds me to pay tribute to Paul..the 33 (don't forget that..crucial!!) year old buddy we made who seeing wet and pathetic 19 year old drowned rats in torrential rain took us back to his very plush bungalow avec private beach and let us have a hot shower. i haven't had a hot shower in 3 months. and then he bought us supper and generally pampered us so thank you paul and we hope that both the exeptionally jewish wedding and bangkoks synthetic beach were brilliant.
Full moon was crazy..almost forgot to mention it and is reason we are here..well..so already this place was pretty out there..but then it got awesome. we have no pictures becuase of danger levels of taking camera down to beach but there was like 8,000 people on this one beach. was very good fun.
anyhoo...missing everyone muchly. have just discovered bebo and we suddenly feel like you are all very far away...so yeah..miss you. Hope everyones
mika and willmika and willmika and will

the morning after full moon
exams went well and stuff..lots of love
mika and david che.

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wills new best friend : cokewills new best friend : coke
wills new best friend : coke

his name's coke after coca cola. his muma, nush, had cravings while pregnant..makes total sense.
paul and mikapaul and mika
paul and mika

told you it was wet

23rd May 2006

you big gay
if that story is true about the scuba diving ensor that is a poor attempt.its probably true that small asian men arent meant to go under water but remember man...your half british, where is your stiff upper lip.

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