ayurveda yoga villa

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March 2nd 2011
Published: March 2nd 2011
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hi everyone - we are now in the back of beyond at the Ayurveda Yoga Villa near Kalpetta in the state of Kerala. we are truly at the end of the road after surviving a 3 hour drive over the most brutal roads yet - high up the hills inland from calicut. Internet connection is sporadic and there is no wifi so we are unable to send longer posts (I write them up on our own computer and cannot access it right now). so be patient and in a couple of weeks when we get back to civilisation, we will catch up with pur adventures

Still having amazing experiences


2nd March 2011

End of the road.
It is not down in any map; true places never are. ~Herman Melville Wow! You two are really getting "away from it all"! Just wanted to send you a note and say I'm thinking of you. Sounds like quite the adventure and just keeps getting more and more amazing. Big wind storm set to hit us today. Up to 100 km winds. Oh well. Don't worry about us! Look forward to your next chapter! Sonya

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