Diamonds on the Soles of My Shoes

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January 21st 2011
Published: January 21st 2011
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By Melisse.
If only I had one of those hovercrafts they promised us when I was a child. It feels criminal to disturb these diamonds beneath the soles of my shoes. For as far as I can see in the vast meadow near our cabin, covering the grassy patches of the sacred wetlands near Katchemak Bay and surrounding the acres and acres of Beluga Lake in Homer, hoar frost blankets the landscape creating a sparkling, magical, dazzling sight. To the casual observer the variety of crystalline forms and patterns is mesmerizing. To the person who looks even closer it is mind-blowing, as one notices that no two crystals appear to be alike. The light reflects off of the delicate surfaces with tiny hot white lights in the cold winter air. As conditions have been perfect for many weeks, the beautiful, robust but fragile diamond-like frost has remained undamaged and pristine for the past weeks. Today, I awake to find a new layer of fresh soft snow blanketing the ground. It has covered the frost, but I remember it is still there.

If you'd like to know more about hoar frost, how and under what conditions it is formed, check out these websites. I like the explanation in the first one the best.

Additional photos below
Photos: 21, Displayed: 21


21st January 2011

So beautiful, I wish they didn't have to melt!
21st January 2011

These crystals are amazing and beautiful! Thanks for sharing your photos, Melisse, and your thoughts. I love reading your writings. What a place of profound glory you have found! I think of you and Dave often. I miss you. Please send me your mailing address. Thanks! Love, Ellen
22nd January 2011

Memories of Michigan Winters
Hi! I haven't thought about hoar frost (nor did I know what it was called) in years and years! Memories of winters as a child in Michigan flooded back as I recall the snow and ice on the ground looking feathery and almost magical draped with a layer of crunchy sugary goodness! It also reminds me of how cold my feet would get after playing outside and how glad I am for wool socks. =0) LOVE the pictures, beautiful! St. Louis is quite beautiful under several inches of snow right now, and we have had two snow days in a row - whoo hoo!! HUGE HUG to all three of you.....
22nd January 2011

Who are you, anonymous?
22nd January 2011

Wow...absolutely, mindboggling.....what a wonder.....I am so pleased for you that you got to experience that! Love
22nd January 2011

yea, wish you were here too.
22nd January 2011

Truly beautiful, crystal water. What a gorgeous reminder, that water is everywhere, adapting to and shaping every occasion. Must be a big hunk of hard cold up there, which we've only just had for a little over a day in St. Louis. Jane says she sees jewelry in every photo. (Maybe a challenge to cast in silver?)
22nd January 2011

Wish we were there!!!
22nd January 2011

you blew my mind, here I was feeling smug after going out to a fancy restaurant and bottle of good vino and all that seems silly w/ such amazing structures, thnx for shooting them! we have such a mundane existence down here in the lower 48...
22nd January 2011

It's everywhere
There is exquisite beauty in the mundane. Perhaps you might have to make a bit more effort to remember to notice it. But yes, it is so "in your face" here. The photos I've put on the blog are only the "tip of the iceberg" so to speak. Perhaps I'm on a roll now and will keep them coming. It's motivating to receive feedback from folks, so thanks for connecting!

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