Sunny Afternoon

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April 27th 2006
Published: April 27th 2006
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Back in Junin de los Andes, swinging on a swing and making a silly face
Lindsay has gone to meet up with Mariu to attend a Justice and Penalty class at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, (UBA); I admire her academic perseverance on such a lovely sunny afternoon. This morning we had our Political Science class, we discussed the transformations from military dictatorships to democracy in Argentina, Brazil and Chile. After, we had Literature as a Mirror of Social Change; we continued our discussion of Roberto Arlt's The Seven Madmen, a revolutionary existentialist masterpiece by an Argentina author. Following our morning classes we had a much needed cafe con leche (latte) and some medialunas (croissants). We took the #42 bus to the train station and then walked a few blocks to the GreenPeace office. We are going to do some volunteering there with some of their current campaigns. The building is magnificent, totally sustainable and powered by solar and wind energy!

I just had a delicious bean, red pepper and garlic stir-fry which was delicious and decided to write a blog before having a quick nap. At 19:00 I have a guitar lesson! I am really looking forward to it, but my wrist is quite sore because I fell down the stairs last evening with
Lindsay and StevieLindsay and StevieLindsay and Stevie

Lindsay and Stevie during our first visit with him back in March, in the background is the bridge of the woman, it represents tango... no se.
the laundry! (Only 6 or 7 steps, but my lower back, neck and left wrist are quite sore!) I also wanted to post some photos. I have to upload some oldies because ... my camera is in Toronto! Yes, I sent it all the way to Karina and Matt with a semi-random guy who I've never met, whose brother works with my sister. We'll see, hopefully it will be fixed in time for Laura to bring it back here with her in a couple of weeks! Hooray. So yes, oldies.

On Tuesday we had our 'volunteer hours' at the Comedor (soup kitchen type place). We made necklaces and bracelets with the girls and boys who weren't playing soccer, and just hung out and helped out in the kitchen serving dinner to the 25 kids. My friend Nicolas from Uni here says I am just putting a band-aid on the problem. He has a point, but Lindsay and I would prefer to at least put on a band-aid than stay at home complaining about how unjust it is that 50% of Argentines live under the poverty line. Another stat, that 1:3 kids from middle class families are malnourished. Another? That

On the internet at PeRsicco, our favorite ice cream place that has free wireless
80% of girls living in the villas ('shanty towns' in the suburbs and province of Buenos Aires) will have at least one child by the age of 16, 80%!), the facts are there, exaggerated or not, there is still a major social problem. We are 'just' making necklaces with kids from Peru, Bolivia, Brazil and Argentina, but they leave with smiles and share good and safe times there. Hopefully we'll get some pictures up soon of our new friends from the Comedor and GreenPeace!

Fall has arrived, the wind and piles of yellow leaves deviously covering up the plentiful piles of poop, prove it. I love fall. The winds whispering winter, the scarves and early sunsets, the morning struggles to get out of the warm bed, and the best part, the disappearance of hellishly hot humid days. As spring arrives for all of you in the northern hemisphere, I hope you are enjoying the sunshine and new plants and earthy smells.

I think it's time for a siesta, furthermore, it will take me 45 to load up the photos, so I'd better go.

Muchos besos, and greetings to all,

Love always, Jenica

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Another from Colonia, what a great time!

29th April 2006

you bet, i hope it gets fixed in TO in time for laura to bring it home to you. here the sun is getting stronger and making me feel more and more spanish all the time, holay. jen, did you get my sms from the cell phone? studies must be starting to become a bore now, no.......! enjoy cause time is a flying. supper with greg's buds tonite, shawn and brett, the talk was all about prom coming up, tux on order, colour of ties, where to go, what to do, lots of laughs, good times, wish the two of you were here to "rattle the boys", would have been fun. love ya both loads, m
1st May 2006

Great to hear things are going swimmingly! uni life sounds really interesting, im glad you're enjoying it. after all, that's what you're there for!!!... perhaps... im loving the autumn as well. colouful leaves are my fave! love you guys and miss you heaps. talk you soon! love lucyxxx

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