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April 24th 2006
Published: April 24th 2006
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Jenica and the MateJenica and the MateJenica and the Mate

Jenica enjoying mate at the Plaza Francia in Recoleta
Good evening everyone!
In a desperate attempt to aviod homework I decided it would be a great time to add a little blog! Not much has happened since we got back from Colonia, We went out last night to a club called Azucar (sugar) which is a salsa club, and danced the night away until 6 in the morning. The music was great, and a welcome change from "musica electronica" or trance music that dominates most of the clubs here. There was also a little show with some of the salsa teachers which was amazing, the ways they could move their bodies hypnotized everyone on the dance floor, especially the men. Coming from Canada, I'm not really accustomed to men who know how to dance... so it was interesting to see. (Hint to all men in Canada: the women here seem to really like dancing with men and not just slipping in the piles of drool left by men watching on the side lines, if you catch my drift...)
We went to spend the day in Recoleta and the fair with some friends and drank mate and ate cookies, and yesterday Jenica had her theater class, while I went off to
Balcony shotBalcony shotBalcony shot

So after waking up in the morning, here's a glimpse of what we look at on our balcony
buy my very first pair of Tango shoes! Yeahh, they're wonderful, but I think I was a bit too eager about the shoes and ended up getting ones that are very high and very skinny... like a pencil. But I danced in them for about 3 hours yesterday and only in the last hour they started to hurt my feet. Turns out my tango teacher is pretty well known, her name is Lidia Ferrari and she is a psychoanalysist and professor at the biggest university in buenos aires, "La UBA" as well as one of the best professors of Tango in BA... who knew?? I'm liking it more and more and getting to know the people in our group class better, and since Lidia knows that we (Derek, my partner, and I) really want to learn tango, she really helps us out a lot on learning the dance.
Its getting harder and harder to concentrate on homework since we're really starting to get into other areas of interest here, as well, we're getting really excited for school to end and go travelling, but don't worry - we'll persever and get grades to make you all proud!
Well hopefully you are

This is our one and only plant. We named him Machiavelli because whenever it looks like he's going to die, he pops back up to life again!
all well, and start posting some comments guys!! It always makes our day to know that people are reading our stories and enjoying them, and what you are all up to!
Talk to you all later,

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Photos: 7, Displayed: 7


Thin as a pencil...Thin as a pencil...
Thin as a pencil...

So as I mentioned... they're very skinny... just another challenge!
The girlsThe girls
The girls

Some of our beautiful Argentine friends, at our day in the park
Yumm Lindt EasterYumm Lindt Easter
Yumm Lindt Easter

Our friend Theresa from Austria gave us these for Easter, the Lindt bunny was just a bit better then the industria argentina chocolate!

25th April 2006

So how tall do these tango shoes make you?
26th April 2006

Hi Girls, sounds like your argentine adventure only gets better! Estoy re celoso de Uds chicas! Pero igual manana tengo mi ultimo examen. Casi llego el verano!!!!! I want to come visit you guys so bad! Escriben mas chicas. Los quiero montones!!! Nos vemos....... Roberto
27th April 2006

So I was googling Lidia's name to see what other credentials she has, and I stumbled on your blog girls! I'm adding it to my favs. :) Besitos, Derrick
27th April 2006

My blog is http://elcachafaz.livejournal.com (El Cachafaz, btw, was a famous tango dancer in the '30s :)). My photobucket site is http://s36.photobucket.com/albums/e5/ddpinbsas/
3rd May 2006


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