Day 5 Chiltern Thu 21st October

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October 22nd 2010
Published: October 22nd 2010
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Chilter Valley Tour

Dam No'1 & No'2 with Sue & Neville in the morning

Additional maps: Mt Pilot Afternoon Tour

Finally fell asleep somewhere around 11.30pm, the Hume Freeway noise travels across to Caravan Park very clearly, resolved to buy a pair of ear plugs today. Had a nice slow morning eating breaky, drinking a coffee on the veranda till about 9am when Sue and Neville drive into the park. They arrange to go out birding with me after they have set up camp and done some washing. This leaves me time to walk into town for my ear plugs, buy the Age (green guide day) and say hello to the local cat.
The Masons and I went out to the Chiltern Valley to visit the 2 dams that are include in the Chiltern Mt Pilot NP, this park is very higgledy piggledy in its shape and having bits and pieces here and there. Both dams are full of water and there is also a lot of water lying around in paddocks, so there are not so many birds concentrated around them. We did make two very good lists of birds for each site. Dam No’1 had more water birds and some load sing birds that we finally tracked down as Little Friarbirds.
At Dam No’2 a Little Eagle soared above the car park and had what we thought a good look at us! There was also a Rainbow Bee-eater in a dead tree eating a very large dragonfly. It was a pleasant walk into the dam through the red gum woodland. Sue and Neville where surprised to see a new bird hide on the edge of the dam, it was a bit noisy when Neville opened the door! What birds where nearby soon moved out the way of the noisy people. We (I) decide to leave the window shutters open for when we return with the group over the weekend so we don’t disturb any birds when we entire.
On the way back to the caravan park we had to stop at the bakery for lunch! The pastie and curry pie I had were very good.
After lunch with Sue and Neville on my veranda Irene and Don turned up for the second tour of the day. We headed towards Beechworth and Mt Pilot just following our (Irene’s) noise. We stopped at Yeddonba, to look at the Cultural site and also found a White-fronted Gergone. Being close to afternoon tea time and having heard that
look in to my eyeslook in to my eyeslook in to my eyes

you will pat and cuddle me!
Beechworth has an Ice Creamery and Lolly Shop, we stopped and indulged. While we were eating our ice creams Irene noticed a fromagerie (cheese shop) across the road. Of course we had to go over and it was totally worth it too! I got to taste some fantastic French unpasteurised blue cheeses (rochford!!) and buy a small piece. Don bought a small piece of brie with truffle in it and we also tasted a hard cheese with truffle.
Satisfied with our buys we head back into the park to visit Woolshed Water Falls and do the historical gold rushes walk trail at the falls. The granite is polished beautifully by the water at the top of the falls. It made me take quite a few photo’s.
Well it’s happy hour again and I have had two people already come over and see where I’m! I’ll go over and make them happy. We can eat, drink and merry listening to the Laughing (Peron’s) Tree Frog (look it up on the web!).

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or really really old graffiti
Yeddonba Cultural SiteYeddonba Cultural Site
Yeddonba Cultural Site

Big granite boulders

23rd October 2010

Great Photo's
Hi Sam, looks like you are having a great time and you and your new camera are taking lots of beautiful photo's. It sounds like are eating way too much good stuff from the bakery!
23rd October 2010

spick and span
sam I've seen pictures of your rooms when you travel, I want a picture of this spick and span cabin
9th November 2010

Cheese is an essential food group

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