AFL Grand Final 2010 Take 1

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September 25th 2010
Published: October 11th 2010
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R Writes:

Apparantly I have to take the blame I've been told, well by Carmel anyway. On Friday night the five of us were making our predictions on who would win the big game. All of the girls were tipping the Saints, I think more for the fact that they were playing Collingwood more than anything else. I had this weird feeling, I blurted cockily to the girls that I thought it would end in a draw. I just had a feeling, I know it's easy to say that now, but I sometimes get just this little inkling about things. Carmel berated me, saying that I'd be in big trouble if the result ended with no winner. Fast forward a few hours, the only trouble I was in was that I didn't put $20 on it at $67.

We will rewind a little, our day started with a quick trip for supplies in the Mall, one of our many trips on a trams followed to the Western Bulldogs Big Bounce Breakfast. As we arrived the place was absolutely packed. 85 tables at 10 on a table at 200 bucks a plate. Comedian Adam Hills was getting a few laughs around the tables while we were trying to make out the drink in the shooter glass, after braving it I found out it was watermelon and mint. A football panel followed, Teresa was happy, Matty Lloyd was one of the experts as well as Warren Treadrea and Bulldogs coach Rodney Eade. I'm thinking that I was the only one interested in it. We all tucked into a nice pastry enclosed dish. There was a little tension at the table when it was found that someone had forgotten to put the battery in the camera. It was decided that we would leave early, make a hasty retreat to the room, grab the battery and be on our way. There was a slight hitch, there was an auction, and before you all think it was me that stalled our newly formed plans. Think again! 4 fully signed jumpers from the preliminary finals teams were up for grabs. The first was the Western Bulldogs that went for about $1500. This was followed by the Geelong Cats. A bid of $600 was receive by the table to our right. Going Once........ Going Twice..... And before the auctioneer had a chance to seal the deal, a screech of $650 was heard.... A screech that all Sporties Club Friday nights regulars would recognize anywhere. Yepp, you guessed it, Carmel had placed a bid. I looked over and she was beaming smile but at the same time had the auction shakes. I was expecting the lady on the other table to place a counter bid, but it never was heard and Carmel was the very very happy owner of a fully signed Catters Jersey (including Gary Abletts).

We made our way back picked up the now forgotten battery. We joined in the Grand Final tradition of walking
to the "G". It was great, taking in the atmosphere, staring for too long at some weird supporters and taking a heap of photos along the way. To be continued


29th September 2010

Carmel too funny
That is a great story about Carmel and her bidding - I could almost hear her yelling it from here- the lady at the next table probably was too afraid to bid against her....we all know carm in it. Great to hear how you all went to the game...good work. have fun and keep up the journals.
29th September 2010

Carmel too funny
That is a great story about Carmel and her bidding - I could almost hear her yelling it from here- the lady at the next table probably was too afraid to bid against her....we all know carm in it. Great to hear how you all went to the game...good work. have fun and keep up the journals.
29th September 2010

new email ads
hey guys, thanks for the update good to hear you guys are off to a flying atart and where are you lot now?? Hey randall I'm on leave til 19 October can you send your blog to my personal email pleeeeeeaaaaaaassssseeeeeeeee tar much. see you all n take care.

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