
September 26th 2010
Published: September 26th 2010
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Hello again well it is the weekend in Phuket but one would nver know it, there is a bit less traffic but other than that business is as normal. It is VERY hot, 32 right now and it will get warmer as the day progresses. So these two days I have stuck close to the beach. Did a fair bit of walking and taking pictures in the early morning, trying to get some street shots. I am trying to set one up from my hotel balcony because they are redoing the road, they have the big digger I call it, a a regular backhoe and then they have a number of men with garden hoes doing the finish layer!! I am trying to get the picture of the digger and the men together but have no managed that yet....

As far as meeting people I met dan an Australian lst night who is her with his fourteen year old son. Had a good chat, it is there first time here as well.

Kind of boring today but that is the way some days go I guess. Talk to you tomorrow.


28th September 2010

Hey, we never did hear about the ladyboy show. Hope you can find a good book to ease the ennui. I also hope that things don't progress to the point that you want to return to the DVA!

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