Hot...tired....but alive and in LONDON!

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September 2nd 2010
Published: September 2nd 2010
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Well, we finally made it to our first destination. I barely feel alive, but I am here in one piece. After waking up first thing on Wednesday morning, I was taken to the airport in Seattle by my Aunt Brie. There, I met travel companion #1: Ben Richards. We grabbed a quick bite to eat at the terminal, then boarded our first plane to Philadelphia which lasted five hours and wasn't too bad (except, of course for the screaming kids around us).

We had a quick layover, grabbed a burger at Wendy's (this may be the last "good" burger we'll have for a while....if you can consider Wendy's good.) Then we were off for our second flight...which was not quite as fun. The next 6.5 hours were very tiresome. I tried in vain to get at least a little bit of shuteye, but it just wasn't in the cards. Instead, I decided to take advantage of the in-flight video selection and watched a few films I'd had my eye on lately. I watched (500) Days of Summer.....which I highly reccomend, and then Date Night, which was fun, but not really all that great.

We made our way across the Atlantic, and never once did I get even the smallest bit of sleep. I am now going on over 24 hours without sleep.....I tried to do the math, but with the time change, and the hazy state of my brain....I can't quite wrap my head around the math of it.

So we got off the plane at Heathrow, made our way through Customs (only took 30 minutes which isn't too bad), then made our way to the luggage carousel, which gave me a bit of a scare. Somehow my bag ended up in a pile of lost luggage in the corner and was propped between two bigger bags making it very difficult to find and giving me a minor heart attack.

Then we took the London Tube from the airport to Kings Cross Station in the heart of London and made our way to Clink Hostel (which is a retrofitted courthouse and I am sitting in a courtroom/internet cafe this moment). We are both really exhausted and barely able to function. Pretty soon we are going to check into our rooms, meet our new roommates and hopefully get a little bit of sleep so we can start to enjoy our limited time in London.

More to come soon....with soon as the energy arrives.


2nd September 2010

Ah, Travel Days. . .
Travel days are the worst!!! Find a way to sleep on airplanes, buses, trains, ect. . . . You will need it!!! And bring earplugs! Noisy kids will always be sitting right behind you, kicking your chair, and rubby sticky stuff on your seat! (Spoken from personal experience)
2nd September 2010

Glad you made it!
Good to hear you made it. Now the adventure begins. I'm looking forward to living vicariously through your travels for the next 7 weeks. Get some rest and go have a good time.
3rd September 2010

Poor boy
I can't imagine how tiring that must be for a young, healthy guy like you. It took us more than 20 hours to get home last month, and I'm very old.
6th September 2010

I guess I can't complain...
The sore feet are nothing compared to the excitment of finally travelling. It's been a blast so far.

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