Published: August 23rd 2010
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I have been learning so much through the experience of traveling here alone. There have definitely been some difficult moments in the last few weeks-being lonely and worried about what each day is going to bring. Building relationships takes time, especially when I am not able to fully express myself in Spanish. It has been almost 2 weeks, and I have been so blessed by the beginnings of many great relationships with my host family, the kids of Caras Alegres, random people I have met, and the other workers of Caras Alegres, but it is definitely something that takes time.

This weekend I went to the beach with some other volunteers/workers of Caras Alegres. Last night, looking at the ocean I was thinking about how difficult building solid relationships is and how INCREDIBLE it is to know that God is always with me and knows me and loves me so much. I am so excited to get to know the people I have met here better. My prayer is that I share the hope and love of Jesus that I have with them and learn through their experiences and perspectives. Spending time away from Xela with them was really fun with lots of time for getting to know one another better. It was also so incredible to be in the sun and warmth- Xela is pretty chilly in the afternoons/evenings. It was fun traveling with Guatemalans who know their way around and the best spots to go to avoid foreign tourists like me.

God has been leading me in ways that I had not expected, and I have had so many opportunities to talk about faith. I am excited to see what happens next! My goal each day is to do small things with great love (like Mother Teresa's quote) rather then being focused on grandiose ideas.

Tomorrow I am starting Spanish classes at a new school and Tuesday I am touring the domestic abuse shelter to prepare for my time there. Thanks for all the encouragement and love from home-I'm so blessed!

"NO one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God lives in us, and his love is perfected in us....God is love and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them." -1 John 4:11, 16


26th August 2010

so glad to hear that you are doing well! I love you so much and pray for you EVERY day! You are being so courageous! It sounds like God is leading you every step of the way. May you be blessing for abiding in Him. All my love!

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