Delhi round 2

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July 24th 2010
Published: July 24th 2010
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Babyshambles' Arrival

Very long story how she aquired the name but can't wait for her to get here! Probably not the wisest idea for the three of us (Nick, Emma & I) to be cruising round India but it's so worth it. Second time staying in Delhi, staying in New Delhi so a lot more central, buzzing.

Starting to think that showering is pointless as gross as it seems, since the second that cold tap ceases to drip, fresh beads of perspiraton have already formed on my forehead. It is just so hot, but love it still. Covered in blue dye from the Aladdin pants I bought, quite amusing. Tesco Value soap doesn't do a great deal to resolve this! (Thanks Dad).

Just killing a few hours before getting a rickshaw into New Delhi aiport to collect babyshambles. Have got two rooms at the hotel we are in as Nick's friend Eden who we met in Varanasi is going to meet us tomorrow i think... Then gonna tear up this joint and see what's around; something about a Red Fort and some temples.

Still haven't purchased any mangos! Next on the agenda.

At the moment planning to head to Jaipur in a few days but could change. Will upload photos on next write.

Laters from Delhi x


24th July 2010

Babyshamble's Arrival in Delhi
Just a quickie x
24th July 2010

I enjoyed your Delhi post. Ahh, I love when my clothes leak dye into my skin! Sounds like you're having a great time though. My blog is looking for travel photos, reviews, etc, to share. We also have some India info on there. If you have the time, check it out at, or email us at Continued fun on your travels! Heather :)
26th July 2010

could have said/asked something constructive!! have an Indian sim card now will be calling home later x

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