Delhi & Varanasi

July 23rd 2010
Published: July 23rd 2010
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Delhi & Varanasi

Delhi is mental. Varanasi is mental but in a more relaxed way if that makes sense. For the first few days in Delhi, stayed in Majnu-ka-Tilla, a small Tibetan collony. So had my first real Indian curry only yesterday. Got the tube in Delhi, very similar to London Underground but cleaner. Rickshaws are everywhere and touts have tried on many occaions to sway our desision and stay in a different hotel to get possible commision. Iam CRAP at bargining and just feel bad at having to pay an old man 20 rupees for cycling along carrying both Nick and I's weight.

Train journeyto Varanasi .. very sketch. Took sleeper class because AC wasn't available. It wouldn't have been too bad apart from hundereds and hundereds of pairs of eyes staring. Some are inquisite and want to know more about you, take photos ect, but some are just uncomfortable. It took 20 hours to reach Varanasi and after having not eaten in 24 hours and not really slept (too uncomfortable to sleep) and the most discustingly sweaty I'd ever been, the hostil was like Heaven! Shanti Guest house, seems to have loads of travellers here met some cool people.

Last night went to the city ceremony that occours every evening. Magcal. People delicately place candlelit flowers into the Gandgies and watch as their loved one's are cremated by the river side. There are three different levels on which this happens and three different types of wood which is used to surround the bodies depending on the families' class. Very spiritual to watch and so different from England. It is evident how important the river is to the community; people swim, wash, drink, cremate the dead and work along its banks.

Bought some Aladdin like trousers, one I will probably give to Emma when she gets here. Far more comfortable but can no longer bear to wear my boots in this heat. Sweat pours from us constantly, even if there was any hot water, I wouldn't use it. Not especially looking foward to the train back to delhi thi evening but meeting Emma tomorrow can't wait.

Definitely coming back to Varanasi with Emma she will love it. It is like the hippy/boho heart of the world.

Laters x


23rd July 2010

How are the sandals have you used them yet? I am off to Captain Digbys Pub/Restaurant tommorrow night with Nan and Grandad. We are collecting Annabel as she has been staying with them this week. YDOM X

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