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June 20th 2010
Published: June 20th 2010
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Liverpool StationLiverpool StationLiverpool Station

The sheer beauty that is coordinated public transport!
After travelling 23 + hours and getting maybe 4 hours or so of solid sleep I arrived in London. The folks I'm staying with didn't have a car, so I had to navigate my way on the Tube System with a camping pack and a couple of pieces of hand luggage that were just a little too heavy to be comfortable for more than 5 mins.

I'm a newbie when it comes to intrepid travelling... Or just using a camping pack. When I checked in my bag in Auckland, it was under the stipulated weight by 2kg and I was pretty stoked. But putting 18kg on my back along with two rather large hand luggages and walking more than 20m is a little more than challenging. It's excruciating! So I need to learn lessons in packing REALLY lightly.

Part of the tube line that I needed was closed on Saturday (when I arrived), so I had to take a diverted route and ended up in Liverpool Station for where I had to catch a bus. For a NZer Liverpool Station appears like heaven - integrated public transport systems! Buses, trains & tubes running in synchronisation!! So I took my
Plaque at Liverpool StationPlaque at Liverpool StationPlaque at Liverpool Station

Memorial to Jewish kids that were helped during WW2
sweet time looking around, taking photos and scavenging for... WATER! Can you believe it was a mission to get a food joint to fill up my drink bottle??

I eventually made it to White Chapel, East London and after MANY rest stops landed at my destination. Note to self: If I ever intend to go back packing again a) learn how to pack later and b) weight train for a few months before hand!!

Today I spent most of it on my feet traversing round East London, on a walking tour and then getting lost after the walking tour. Henceforth, I'm uber tired. A couple of shots are sights of White Chapel. More to follow along with my thoughts.

I did end with a good note - had dinner with an amazing family whom if you listen to my rants you probably would have heard me rant about them from time to time.

Adios amigos!

Additional photos below
Photos: 10, Displayed: 10


Liverpool Station, LondonLiverpool Station, London
Liverpool Station, London

Memorial to Jewish kids that were helped during WW2
Bengali Street SignBengali Street Sign
Bengali Street Sign

Street sign on White Chapel Road
Restaurant SignRestaurant Sign
Restaurant Sign

Halal Chinese Food!! Nuff said.
Jubilee StreetJubilee Street
Jubilee Street

Street where one of my hosts live.
My hostsMy hosts
My hosts

We're about to go for a walk... if the kids will let us.
Jubilee StreetJubilee Street
Jubilee Street

Some indication of the groups that live in this area.

20th June 2010

Fantastic News and refreshing to read!
Loving the News! Awesome!
20th June 2010

I really enjoyed your post about arriving in London. It's quite easy to navigate, once you learn it. You'll have a great time there! My boyfriend and I are headed to NZ in a few months, to live/work there for a bit. We've never been and we can't wait! We hear the most incredible things! We also have a community travel blog where our readers from across the globe can post reviews, photos, etc, to share. If you have the time, check it out at, or email us at Continued fun on your travels! Heather

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