Big Mac

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April 2nd 2006
Published: April 2nd 2006
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Second night dive
our second night dive was a success. no one got lost or hurt. we werent fortunate enough to get our instructor from our open water course like we hoped, we had Andrea again. we went to a different dive site and there were only 5 of us this time. it was still very very dark and scary but i got to see a baby octopus and some sting rays and an eel so it was worth it.

Visa Run
as you all know the thailand government only allows you to stay in their country for 30 days and once the 30 days is over you have to go home or do a visa run so we decided to do a visa run. we were in koh Tao the day before we had to leave and Burma (myanmar) is the closest country to koh tao so we went there. Burma changed the name of thier country to Myanmar, dont ask me why. They also run their country according to the stars. a week and a half ago they found out, through the stars, that the United States of America was going to attack them so they moved their capital city!!! ( i havent been watching the news so if someone could tell me if Burma was actually attack that would be great) and the stars also told them that they should drive on the other side of the road, they used to drive on the left and their steering wheel was on the right and now they drive on the right and their sterring wheel is on the right. Anyways enought about burma ... we took a 2 hour boat from koh tao to chumporn then a 3 hour bus ride to Ranong, in ranong we got out stamp for exiting the country then we drove in the bus for another 20 min to a boat, we took a 40 min boat to Burma. We didnt have to get off the boat if we didnt want to but the boat had to sit in burma for about 15 min. we did get off the boat, we went for a little walk and were pretty much discusted with what we saw. it smelt so bad and people were beggin you to buy things. we got back on the boat for another 40 minutes back to thailand, we ask the bus driver if he could drop us off at a place called kiwi orchid, a lady that we met told us that this is the best place shes ever stayed at she said it had AC satelite tv a hot water shower basically everything, lets just say we were only there for about 30 seconds it was the complete opposite of what she said. we ended up going to another place just for one night because the next morning we were catching a bus a 7 hours bus ride to Krabi. We didnt end up staying in krabi we caught another boat to Railay which is another beach close to Krabi. Now let me tell you about the place we found in Railay. Whenever we go somewhere new we leave our bags with jeff while marie jason and i go out searching for a place to live. after about an hour of looking we found a place that had a TV, hot water, a fridge, the biggest bestest bed with actually sheets and a duvet, a flush toilet, a swimming pool, and we werent supposed to have AC but we went out side and switched on the hidden switch AND it was less expensive than some of the other place we stayed at that that only had 4 walls and a hole in the ground for a toilet. this place was actually paradise, i wish we could have stayed longer. marie and i would go to the local mini mart to pick up some oreos and grilled lobster flavoured chips and ice cream then head back up to our room to pig out and watch HBO. We were also fortunate enough to watch a snake show, a thai guy was playing with a king cobra, it was so intense it looked like he was trying to make it mad so the snake would try and bite him, thankfully it didnt after the snake show we watched thai boxing now this made me sick to my stomach, they actually beat eachother up and your allowed to kick and knee and elbow the other person, it was terrible, i felt bad for the guy that lost he was knocked out for a couple minutes. we left that place after a couple of days and caught a boat to koh Phi Phi. we found a beach on this island that had the whitest sand and the clearest water, it was a dream. we went on this 3 hour tour thing which included snorkelling at 2 different locations, they took us to the beach were "the beach" was filmed and a chance to jump off of a cliff. the snorkelling was amazing, we saw the coolest fish and i cant even begin to describe the water, i felt famous being in it. as you probably all guessed everyone but me jumped off of the cliffs, and i stayed on the boat so no one would push me. if there was a little baby cliff i may have thought about it but these things were way too high and there was no stair way to get to the top you had to climb up the back side of the cliff first, i didnt want to risk chipping my pedicured nails. After this tour we took a boat to Phuket and that is where we are now. the boat ride to phuket was interesting first of all we were too busy playing on the beach to realize what time it was so we almost missed the boat and had no time to change out of our bathing suits. then when we got on the boat a lady was walking around giving out free watermelon and pineapple so marie and i stood around and indulged while the boys went to get a seat, when we were done eating there were no more seats and we didnt want to go to the top of the boat because it was a 2 hour ride and we had already been in the sun all morning and we were still in our bikinis and we didnt want to turn into lobsters. we ended up finding a big red box at the back of the ship to sit on but thia crew men kept telling us we had to leave so we did. reluctantly we made our way to the top of the boat, we found a pile of life jackets in a shaded spot so we curled up on them and fell asleep.

i have no idea why but some males in thialand dress up as girls. they were pretty skirts, high heels, little tank tops and tons of make up and they are always with old white men. i dont know if the old white men know if they are actually boys or not. marie and i always try to pick them out when we are walking down the street and it is very easy because you just have to look for girls with extremely large adams apples!!!

My Ear
my ear hurts really bad, i have no idea why. maybe i have an ear infection. i cant even touch it. mommy what do i do?

I ate a big mac today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i havent had one since i left, they dont have mcdonalds on the small island but phuket is bigger so they have tons of them here. and after mcdonalds we went to baskin robins. i Love food.

Dad i am craving a sardine sandwich and pickled harring!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anyways we have a hot shower at this place too and its calling my name so i better be going.



3rd April 2006

Burma Invades America
Hey Em! I think you got something backwards on the translation. We just got back from Florida and Myanmar was infact invading the U.S.A!!! They made their major assault on Clearwater beach waving weapons that were disguised as water noodles. They took Jeb Bush (George's brother ) hostage and immediately hung a picture of Ralph Klein in Jeb's office (oh yah...Ralph got tired of the cold and staged a leadership defeat). All of the airports were shut down in fear that Canadians would leave (knowing who the new leader was) and this would paralyze the local economy. Deb and I snuck out of the country through an unguarded back door and made it safely home last night. So...uhm...anything interesting happen to you?
3rd April 2006

Emily those "ladyboys" you see with the white men are actually guys that cross dress and get paid by sick old men to service them. Thailand has a larger then normal gay community and the boys get paid for their services while the old men are just down right sick ... but who is to judge right?
4th April 2006

Get dressed!
Emo, Glad that you passed your deep sea diving, but remember you have no gills so stay above the water! I can't understand why you're always travelling in a bikin. You're living a dangerous life doing this. Please wear something when you're away from the beach. Sure enjoy hearing of your travels. How about some sightseeing news once in a while? Chill it. Love, Grampy
4th April 2006

Love you, Pipsqueak!
Hi Em, We sure enjoy reading about all the fun you are having and maybe you are learning to not be so daring. I can't wait to hear more! Love you, pipsqueak. Love, Grammy
4th April 2006

Miss you
Hi Em, How are things going there? I wish you could come back. We are having better weather than you. I miss you. Love, Anthony
4th April 2006

Just checking
This is just a test
4th April 2006

Big Mac
Hi Emily, Wow, a Big Mac in Thailand even! Bet you were in your glory when you ate that! Thank God you survived your second night dive! Everybody was so worried about you! I think you are seeing the very best and the worst of Thailand. Lots of beauty there but lots of poverty too. It's okay to be a little bit scared when it comes to diving off cliffs or whatever. You know Emily there's only one of you! Stay safe!
4th April 2006

....when will you be in New Jersey??? Summer is coming and the boys want YOU!!!!! Sounds like you are having a BLAST!!!
5th April 2006

Hi Em, Auntie Merle forwarded pictures to me of you and your friends. You look so beautiful and brown!! Please continue to keep in touch. I love reading about your adventures. I hope your ear is feeling better. I am getting bigger by the day it seems. I am looking forward to having this baby. I want a tummy like yours!! Same colour and shape. LOL. Love you lots. Auntie Val. xoxoxoxoxox

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