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Europe » Spain
May 29th 2010
Published: May 29th 2010
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The view of Toledo from the mountains

Toledo is my favorite city in the world!

Today was by far my favorite day of touring. We went to the old City of Toledo which used to be the capital of Spain. It is a center of military production as the make various types of knives and swords. The city is set in the mountains and has a natural protection because it is surrounded by a river. It is beautiful to look down on if from across the river. The streets are very narrow and very maze like. I would definitely get lost if I was on my own.

Our first destination was the Santa Chiesa Cattedrale Primaziale. This is one of the most important cathedrals in Spain. Construction on it took from the late 1200's to the late 1600's!! It is the most amazing/beautiful/incredible things i've ever seen! We could take pictures inside but I wish we could have. It is shaped like most cathedrals in the latin cross and tall pillars for support. The choir sits in the middle of the church right in front of the altar. The detail in the decorations and statues is unbelievable. There is also tons of stained glass and murals. It would have been neat to go to a mass there which they still have every sunday.

We also saw one of the three most famous Spanish paintings, El Entierro del Conde De Orgaz done by el Greco. I really like this painting as i have studied it before in high school. It is so cool to see these paintings in their original form and up close.

The rest of the day was ours to explore and eat. I had a hamburger (not very spanish i know but it sounded really good). It ended up having a sunny side up egg on it. It was pretty tasty. There were some really cute clothing shops but i'm trying to make wise purchases and save my money.

Today is my last day in Madrid but i'm really excited to meet my host family in Alicante!!

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I thought it was funny a street was called Toledo Ohio

the cathedral. so gorgeous!

outside the painting. we couldn't take pics of the real thing

my new alicante friends!

another view of the city

29th May 2010

I enjoyed your post about Toledo! It reminded me of my own time in Spain and how much I love it there! My blog is looking for travel photos, reviews, etc, to share (like maybe if you find some good cheap Spanish foods)! If you have the time, check it out at, or email me at Enjoy your time there with your host family! Heather :)
30th May 2010

I remember reading about el Greco in AP European History. Man, that would be so cool to see it up close! Its the one that looks like jesus and mary above a bunch of clergy looking people? Regardless, I am insanely jealous :) I love how bright and colorful all of your pictures are, like the streets are so full of life. And as for the burger with the over-easy egg, I must say, I do love eggs haha! I think you should continue keeping us updated on all the food that you eat, thats always my favorite part of trips :)

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