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March 31st 2006
Published: March 31st 2006
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that's right folks, i am writing to you from the gorgeous land of prague. i would start out with some greeting in czech but i have failed miserably at trying to pick anything up in the language. we have heard that it is one of the hardest languages to learn - i believe it. we have been here for a few days and will be leaving later this afternoon for just keeps getting better and better.
i suppose most have heard how romantic paris is but let me let you in on a little secret, prague is way more romantic then paris. at night the bridges, castles, and cathedrals's amazing. and once again i have to admit that while we tried to take pictures, you just have to see it.
we went last night for a czech dinner and were pleasantly surprised to find it spades above a traditional bavarian dinner. it resembles thanksgiving with roast, gravy, and potatoe dumplings...oh yes, and white cabbage. beer is 25 crowns, so about one dollar, and so you can imagine the delight tony has found in this fine country.
yesterday we entrusted a local developer to transfer our pictures from our memory card to a cd. i felt like i was handing over my child. my heart was pounding and the whole hour it took, i was anxiety riddled. we did however receive them back without harm and i have treasured them and kept them close ever since.
well, one last note - you might be surprised to hear we are not skinny. brotwurst and hotdogs have been about one dollar since we arrived in germany and so that has become our life support. there is still quite a bit of meat on our bones.
until next time.


31st March 2006

hey guys!!
hey tone and stacey, i've been following your trip intently, and enjoy reading all about it..when you guys get back, jimmy and i will have to meet up with you somewhere, would love to see you again...i'm very happy for the drunkard, that there's plenty around to suit his and miss you, johanna oh yeah, stacey, i've also been following your hair, not quite sure how you went from one to the other, but i suppose that's fodder for a conversation for another to you later
3rd April 2006

When I copied the pic of the street drummer you wouln't believe the clarity. It's like I was standing there. Blessings every day of your travels. What a joy! Granny

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