The La Spezia saga continues...and resolution!

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Europe » Italy
March 9th 2010
Published: March 25th 2010
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After much debate (between Dicedawg and myself) we decided to forgo Portofino (sniff) and see Florence. We chose a private tour, and I am happy with our decision, because I think I would have regretted not seeing Florence. Someday, maybe for our 15th anniversary, we'll come visit Italy again and explore a bit more, and I'll get to see Portofino. But it just isn't worth skipping Florence!

We found some fellow travelers to join us on the Disney boards, I love that networking ability. So there are 8 of us, and here are our plans:

Touring with Rome in Limo Company. I am very impressed so far with their efficiency. One thing I noticed is that private tour guides for the Mediterranean seem to answer so much more quickly than any of the guides I used in Egypt...some of those took a month!

We are going to visit Pisa, but just to take quick photos of the Leaning Tower. We will not be spending any more time there, as we are anxious to see as much in Florence as possible!

We will see: the square of Michelangelo with a panoramic view of the city; Santa Croce Church, Duomo, Giotto's Bell Tower, the Signoria Palace and the Square, The Old Bridge and Pitti Palace, the Academia with the original statue of David (they reserve tickets for us), and the Uffizi Gallery.

The price of 700 Euro does not include entrance fees or food, but split among 8 people is affordable, cheaper than a Disney excursion and I think much better, since we get to tailor it to exactly what we want to do.


27th March 2010

Hey Erin, I enjoyed your Italy post. It reminded me of my time there. My blog is looking for some good travel photos. If you have the time, email us some at or check us out at Continued fun on your travels, Eric
30th March 2010

Happy to share
Hi, I'm happy to share photos. I'll be posting on my website too,, and you are more than welcome to save any picture you'd like to use from there! I take thousands on a trip like this.

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