Bruges, Brussels & Delft

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Europe » Belgium
March 12th 2010
Published: March 12th 2010
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Well, we are 5 days in and going strong. A few little issues with regard to camping in the freezing cold and getting used to the camper but all in all, everything is dandy.

We are now currently in The Netherlands staying in Delft after 5 days in Belgium. Belgium is an interesting little country with apart from Bruges nothing much to see other that flat barren land. Tom Tom took us on some crazy adventure getting here to Holland so we did end up seeing a few areas that resembled scenery. Bruges was definitely the pick with regard to Belgium. Brussels is like any other city where we learnt not to drive the van into a city. Parking was a nightmare and we found ourselves driving down cobblestone roads that I think were pedestrian only.

Out of Bruges we did a WW1 tour of Ypres on Tuesday which was great and were labelled the ‘crazy aussies’ for camping this time of year. We saw all the WW1 bombing, mining and combat sites and all the many, many war cemeteries. There is an Aussie movie coming out in April Beneath Hill 60 which is one of the places we visited. Finished off with a visit to an actual trench that is in the middle of an industrial park. We were quite astonished and somewhat offended that they built on top of a site like this. They even found bodies when building but that did not stop them.

After Bruges, we stayed in a campsite out of Brussels and were the only ones there apart from the usual inbred hicks that live in these shanty villages. No hot water (you find out after you have paid, another lesson learnt) so no showers for 2 days. I am enjoying it but Em not so much.

After seeing Brussels we went to Waterloo which was reminiscent of Penrith or Osbourne Park.

Today, after the 3 hour drive and a visit to Ikea for Em we spent the afternoon in Delft, a short walk from the campsite (which has hot water) Delft, which was beautiful with canals everywhere and the odd church or two. Had a nice lunch followed by a Heineken and now back to the van having a Grolsh (getting into the local history I am) waiting for Em to crack open the cheeses and meats we bought.

Hope all is well with all.

Em, Ben and Lola!

Ps marriage and Lola and going strong and I am a few weeks shy of having a ponytail.

Further lessons learnt:
1. Always check hot water status prior to paying
2. Ben enjoys not showering, Em gets angrier by the hour when she does not
3. Ben now realises the importance of washing your hair
4. Em now refuses to ride a bike even with normal jeans on so now we walk
5. Tom Tom has a wild imagination when planning our trips from one place to the next
6. Apparently Ben is getting bossier and less tolerant

Additional photos below
Photos: 18, Displayed: 18



Main square

Main square
Photo 2Photo 2
Photo 2

WW1 memorial

WW1 cemetry
Photo 10Photo 10
Photo 10

hole in the gorund left by WW1 mine bombing

frozen lake at campsite,

13th March 2010

Great photos
I have set up a folder and am saving all your travel blogs for you! Today's open house disappointing, only 1 more contract asked for, making that 2! Another 2 ladies coming at 5pm. One couple very interested but haven't put their home on the market so would want a delayed settlement which would give me more time to look.... depends on the $$$ offered. Monty seemed genuinely disappointed. Love to both Mum xx
13th March 2010

Ah yesh de Nederlandsh
Make sure to shee shome nakid ladiesh in de Nederlandsh
13th March 2010

I am totally with Emma on the hot water and bike issues . Your blog is great - beautiful photos as well - keep up the good work - there will be a test when you return ! Ponytail - yikes ! Have fun cos we're not . Luv Viv
14th March 2010

Hey Em and Ben! I'm enjoying your blog! Looking forward to the next entry! Keep having fun on your travels! Love Nikki
18th March 2010

Dam could of done me a favour at Ypres.....a photo of our Great Great Uncles war grave!!!!!! Alfred Nettle!!!! Sounds like your having a ball!!!! Gotta love camping!!!! Keep up the blogging and hugs to Em...... luv xxx
18th March 2010

Great holiday
Hi Ben and Em. Just love the photos. I think Ben has missed his calling and should be a journalist. Can not work out who the scruffy guy is with Emma all the time.Keep the travelogue going as we all love it!! I would have loved to do the WW1 tour. Thanks for the detail and photos. We have an escaped prisoner near here so it is a bit exciting with police everywhere and noisy helicopters. I have Meg inside to guard me!! I drove to Swanbourne shops earlier and the police cars are pretty thick. Scotch is locked down as they saw him near there at some stage. Love to you both Mum and laurel

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