A little bit about Wales

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January 30th 2010
Published: January 30th 2010
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A view of the mountains from the pier
Hey All!
Sorry it's taken me so long to blog but I've been busy, busy, busy! Everything and everyone here are great and it's amazing to experience so many new things! If you don't know much about Wales it's a Celtic country of about 8,000 square miles with a population of 3 million people and 11.5 million sheep, apparently they're like our pigs in Iowa. A lot of people have wondered why on earth would I come to Bangor when there are so many other places to go. I guess they have a reputation for being country bumpkin here, but I LOVE it!! The hills that you have to walk here are crazy especially because 75% of the land is mountainous so I'm hoping to come back in really good shape =) It's very gloomy here and though it is warmer than what I've been hearing about back home, it does make me miss the sun! Only two days of my 17 here have been sunny and I got really lucky that today I could go visit the Pier and Roman Camp and just HAD to share the pictures with everyone because it is definately breath taking!! If anyone has any

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other questions about what it's like over just go ahead and ask because I've learned so much already!

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the walk up to Roman Camp was quite a trek

the view from the top of Roman Camp

Lower Bangor with the Mountains in the backgrou

30th January 2010

Looks like I ended it before I intended to. Good to be home, but better in SLC. Boys got to ski last Sat. Dustin on skis, Tucker on snow board. I'll try to get out to Apple store and see how to get back on Skype.
1st February 2010

Hi! Wow! Very nice. I had to check a map to see exactly where you are! Glad to hear you're already learning a bunch. I tried to feel bad about your lack of sun. . . then I remembered that its below zero here. :o) Are you planning on visiting any of the castles? Take Care!

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