It Rained Again...

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January 2nd 2010
Published: January 2nd 2010
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It rained again today. My life this past week has felt a bit soggy and unremarkable. Wikipedia will tell us that Southeast Asia's monsoon season falls in late spring through the beginning of summer. I would disagree at the moment.

I missed Christmas. I missed Christmas Eve at Grandma's, and Christmas morning with my parents and brother. I missed Christmas day with my dad's sisters and the family that they themselves have accumulated over the years. I wouldn't say I missed America...but I certainly missed the holiday spirit that infects Americans from Thanksgiving until New Years. It wasn't the same. I have grown so accustomed to being driven nearly insane by the gaudy overproduction of the Christmas season...perhaps all it takes to appreciate it is to spend the holiday in a place where the people don't recognize it as a strong part of their culture.

Blah, blah...all the self pity aside...I was overwhelmed by a sense of calm last night as I walked back to my apartment from the shop in the international dorm just up Yucai Road. I ran out of "Orange Drink"...tastes like Hi-C Orange and reminds me of last year's road trip to Minnesota for a friend's going away party...but I digress. It was raining lightly, and the widely spaced street lamps cast a misty glow over the campus. I forgot where I was...what I was doing...I just was. It was so serene. I put my purchases away and stood on my balcony for several minutes just listening to the raindrops hit the leaves of the tree outside of my apartment.

I wonder if anyone makes a living off of traveling and blogging about their experiences... I could do that. I could write a travel blog commenting in real time about what it is like everywhere I go. Not the travel guide BS that advertises complication-free sight-seeing...goodness knows that's not an accurate portrayal.

However, I vow never to miss another Christmas.


4th January 2010

Enjoy your Blogs
We really enjoy the stories of your China adventure(s). You have a real talent for bringing us to China with you. That college major is showing. I'm sorry you weren't here for the Christmas Season. But think your folks missed you even more. I'm so pleased they are going to spend almost a month with you. It will be a great trip for them in addition to spending time with you. Wish we could all take turns coming to see you. We tell our friends about your Blogs. In fact, we print everything and have all of them in a three-ring binder. Know we love you, Clare, and include you in our prayers. Love, Grampa and Marilyn.
8th January 2010

Well Well well Clare looks like all is going well. I hope you are enjoying yourself :)... Z
10th January 2010

You found me.
I'm not too bad. I have good and bad days. The holidays were a bit rough. I have never spent a Christmas by myself. How is life back home. I haven't heard anything from you in almost 5 months.
19th January 2010

Things have been good back here in the states. I've been working a lot... I'm trying to get the real estate thing up and running again. Its hard to make it on your own but I'm sure you know that better then me. I'm sure its tough sometimes to be alone but your have an experience that none of us have ever had. I hope the kids arnt giving you to much hell. I was an ED major, so if you need any advice feel free to ask. Cya Z

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