Packing up

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December 17th 2009
Published: December 17th 2009
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Oooo my first every blog entry! How exciting. Well today was hardly an interesting day, I took 3 of the children I look after to see Father Christmas. Other than that, it was well pretty normal. The youngest has a rotten cold so he was all fun and games this evening. Although, saying that, he did take his first steps with out support with me today!!! 😊 He took three steps this morning, although the last one was more of a fall onto me, and two steps tonight. HA - the mum wasn't even around to see it. Score one for me.

Well my room is all packed up for tomorrow evening when it will be taken back home for me to sort through into what is going into the attic, what will stay in my room, and what will come with me on this new job! 😱 It is all rather exciting, granted it will be rather difficult to back for 6 months round the world into one suitcase, seeing as I have to have acceptable clothes that aren't too reveling for working in, smart clothes for when we are staying in fancy hotels, clothes for camping out in deserts in and doing safaris, clothes that are suitable for countries like Egypt and Morocco and ones that okay to wear in every other country. It will be a struggle but I think I might be able to manage it. I think the more difficult task will be what things to take to keep the children entertained for all the travelling we will be doing. A Mary Poppins bag would be really handy about now. I have the umbrella (strangely enough it has never made me fly) so the bag should be quite fitting I think.


20th December 2009

Hooray! How are things going?

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