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December 16th 2009
Published: December 18th 2009
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We caught a short flight from Penang, Malaysia to Phuket in Thailand and to be brutally honest dinnae bother visiting here unless you really feel the urge, as in our opinion it's grim!

Och, we guess that's not entirely fair as there are a few positives about this place!

We stayed in a really nice guesthouse called Baan Suay on the road to Karon Beach. They have a fab chilled out bar area, with a lovely pool where we spent a lot of time! Karon beach itself is quite spectacular (despite it being covered in a million plastic sunbeds!) and the sunsets were gorgeous.

Unfortunately to get to the beach you have to dodge the crazy traffic due to lack of pavements, and the persistent locals selling their restaurants, massages or suits! The walk to the beach isn't too pretty either as it's just an unattractive concrete and cable jungle and the smell from the sewers is quite strong! On this lovely journey down to the beach (!) we always passed lots of old, fat, balding white men with young Thai girls which we thought was gross!

All this put us off exploring more of Phuket and as we were also feeling really lazy we didn't do very much and enjoyed the comforts of the guesthouse instead! There was a 7/11 shop next door and Jen drank their ice Slurpee machine dry!

Next stop - Koh Phi Phi!

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18th December 2009

oh dear
I wish you'd said you were going to this horrible place! It was already spoilt in the 90s and I was recommended not ever to visit. I'm sure Phi Phi will be much better, but they're all getting spoilt one by one - it's that Leo di Caprio's fault. I hope you've got some warm clothes to come back to - we seem to have entered another ice age here in Britain.
19th December 2009

After pondering on the evidence - perhaps not...
Well - there's an ad at the top of this page which says that 18 million subscribers "use us to find great flight deals to Phuket". Does that mean that another 18 million people are going to be disappointed? Who's been telling them it's a great place to be? Mind you they're only saying that they have great flight deals. They're not saying what it'll be like when you land! So, Jennifer, not so much shopping being done? I suppose there's no more room in your bag so the obvious thing to do is buy stuff you can swallow and doesn't take up space. Better luck at Ko Phi Phi. Lots of love Auntie S xxxx P.S. It's very very cold here.

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