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December 4th 2009
Published: December 5th 2009
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in a nutshell, chris and i have been waiting on pins and needles for this trip since january and now it's FINALLY here! what's in store, you ask? a whole lot of goodness, prize pics and entertaining stories and coming your way-that's what!

this is officially the inaugural entry of the Indonesian 2009 Trip. forgive this novice blogger and as i tend to see the world through rose colored glasses and am not always the best speller...

in about 5 hours, chris and i will be heading to YVR. we be flying china airlines, oh yeah. we leave at 12:15am, land in taipei, then we fly to denpasar and make our way to ubud-our first stop on the intinerary (yes, there is an intinerary). we will have a couple of days there before we head to flores.

turthfully, i am not really too sure what to expect. chris is THE master planner so i am more of a observer so i am ready to soak up the surroundings of a new world. it has been a really crazy year for both of us so we are looking forward to this trip to get some balance back. chris is espeically looking forward to his dives and i am looking forward to sitting on the beach while tearing through books as well as getting the courage up to attempt surfing this year...

it seems like there is never enough time to get everything done before you leave but i am getting close with crossing off everything on my list. just a couple more items to stuf into my backback and emails to write...

giddy up!


7th December 2009

Day 1
WEll, just drove in in -5 cold, thinking of you guys in warmer climes. Spent an hour, rstarting server, rebooting modem, and am now ready to go. Will miss you guys but will keep in touch, have a great holiday............. Orval

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