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March 11th 2006
Published: March 11th 2006
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Taking it back a couple of weeks...

Well I am sure you all heard about the storm we had over the weekend (a few weekends ago, now). We got about two feet of snow in less than twenty-four hours. It started on Saturday evening but it was pretty light so we decided to bare it and go out. We went across Central Park to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It is huge- an amazing sight to see from the street. Inside is also really beautiful and seems to go forever. We didn’t even make it through one floor. Luckily the admission price of fifteen dollars is only suggested, so we can go back every week if we want and just hand them a quarter- really it works!
When we woke up Sunday morning the parked cars were completely buried and the ground was still covered with snow. There were very few people out and very few cars out driving. As the storm let up families came out to play in the snow and most businesses were open. It was still very quiet and you could walk down the middle of the street because the roads still weren’t plowed. It was a nice break from the usual rush of cars and crazy taxis. It was really pretty and kind of fun to experience snow in the city. I took lots of pictures! (nothing from the digital for the blog - sorry—its still broken) Now, three days after the storm, the roads and side walks are a mess because the snow is melting. There is still lots of snow where it hasn’t been cleared, but there is also lots of slush and muddy puddles. Rubber boots are a must!

Lindsey finally got an offer from the jewelry store for a part time position (after dragging her around to over four (count-um, FOUR) interviews over three weeks), and she got it the same day that Pottery Barn offered her a position. Then the jewelry store called back the next day and offered her a full time position. Anyway, it was exciting to find out, and its nice that she might have a few options, but we wont know anything for sure until Monday or Tuesday. I just thought I would share that.

I accepted the position at the Jewelry store called Me & Ro in Nolita, a very chic neighborhood near Soho. The website is meandrojewelry.com if you want to check it out. I am about two weeks into it and it is extremely boring - but has the potential for making good money. I just stand there for hours on end with nothing to do but straighten the displays and wait for customers to come in. I’m not used to that kind of sales environment and I am not sure I can take the boredom, even if it’s pretty good money. The jewelry is overpriced, in my opinion, but very trendy and popular. Lots of famous people have been known to shop there, especially Lindsay Lohan - who just spent $25,000 on a beaded diamond necklace last week. So far the only ‘famous’ person I’ve seen is George Bush’s daughter. Oh yeah and Butch - this fifty something year old guy who hangs out in the neighborhood that has been an extra in just about every mob movie there is. The neighborhood is very classic New York - across the street is the oldest Butcher shop in New York, which has also been in many movies (it’s really famous). Everyday we watch the eighty year old butcher pull carcasses out of his trunk with his bare hands and throw them inside. Then there is Butch and a few other neighborhood regulars of his kind that hang out on the sidewalk and tell you story after story about the history of every building and every business in the neighborhood. Then there are the trendy shoppers, roaming the streets and hanging out at local cafes hoping to see someone famous, or maybe hoping to be seen with them. The most exciting thing so far is that they were shooting a TV show on our street the other day. I forget what it’s called but it stars Dennis Leary (some firefighter show I think).
Well the same day I accepted the position at Me & Ro I went into Rebecca Taylor, a boutique I applied at in the same neighborhood, and they offered me a job too! I really wanted to work there because it’s cute and I would get really good discounts on clothes, but I had already taken the other job. I told her I was still interested and I am going to try it out starting this week and if it is a better fit then I might move over there. The only downfall is that they can’t promise me as many hours and I won’t make the big commissions. But I won’t be here for long so I would rather be somewhere that’s more fun (and provides me with a new wardrobe).

Ok that’s enough about work. I am way behind on the blogs, and what we have been doing the last few weeks, so I will try not to leave anything out…

A few weekends ago we went to the Central Park Zoo, which is pretty small but did have some cool animals. Our favorites were probably the polar bears - which were enormous - and the penguins. We also went to the Museum of Natural History, which like the other museums we’ve been to was huge and impossible to see in its entirety. The coolest parts were probably the dinosaurs and the North American and African Animals. They were real, life-size animals that had been preserved and “stuffed” for display. We made the mistake of going on a Sunday when all of the families with young children also go. It was a zoo and after a couple of hours Kory couldn’t take all of the screaming, slobbering kids getting in the way of his education. It’s really close to our house so we will visit again another day. After the museum we decided to go to midtown and find a good happy hour to get some margaritas. Well we ended up at Planet Hollywood at Times Square - the most touristy spot we could have picked - because we had a hard time finding anything. We felt like such tourists, but we had fun anyway. Then we ran into a guy on the street who was selling cheap tickets to a comedy club so we decided to go and make a night out of it. The show was in a tiny little room that held maybe fifty people. It was short form improv and it was pretty funny but not even close to as good as The Groundlings in LA.
We’ve been going to a lot of good restaurants. One called Gobo, in Greenich Village, that had amazing vegan food. We got this Seitan dish that tasted exactly like ribs - it tasted so much like it I almost couldn’t believe it wasn’t meat. Last weekend we went to Candle 79, another vegan gourmet restaurant on the Upper East Side. The food was amazing - it is considered to be one of the best restaurants in NY. We also went out in the meatpacking district again to this bar called The Apartment. We got lucky again because everyone in line had to be on the list or got turned away - but they let us in. There are two levels - one underground that has a funky basement feel with a DJ, and one upstairs that was more like a lounge with lots of tables and couches. I think it’s one of our favorites so far. On Sunday we went to the East Village and had brunch at Caravan of Dreams - a vegan, live-food restaurant. We even had pancakes!

The weather has been so cold here! It has been in the 30’s everyday with a wind chill of below zero. It snowed and rained last week, but the last two days have started to warm up. By Friday it is supposed to be reach 60 degrees - just in time for Rusty’s (Kory’s best friend) visit this weekend. On a final note, I want to tell everyone that Kory got accepted to USC for the P.H.D. program in Philosophy. He received a full scholarship and four years of stipends for his living expenses. He doesn’t want me to announce this since it isn’t NY related, but I am very proud and want to share it with everyone. Well it’s bedtime, I will write again soon.


12th March 2006

glad to hear
Dearest New York Couple, was so glad to hear from you. Sounds like everything is going splendidly. Life is best that way. Hope you're all havin fun with Rusty.I wish you enough, enough fun, joy,love and peace,Mama
12th March 2006

Sounds great
You are experiencing one of the gems of the east coast. The good weather is coming soon. I hope it is not too summery(humid) before we get there in May. It sounds like you fit right in, as I imagined you would. I would think the only Red Bull people you have seen are in the bars/clubs though. My little six pack refer is still emty--I do not know if Kirk will get it together to stock it. Oh well. They are probably passing you into the clubs because of your good looks--use it, enjoy it while you can. We both look forward to seeing you two in just 2 1/2 months.

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