I'm on a Boat!

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November 19th 2009
Published: November 25th 2009
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So Beash and I got back from our overnight trip to Nusa Lebangan a few days ago. It’s one of 3 tiny islands about an hour off the coast of Bali. We went with 12 friends from Max’s school. They are an easygoing, friendly bunch of people from England. It was pouring on the boat ride out and I got stung by a bee in the neck. As soon as we pulled up to shore the rains subsided and we all got situated, negotiating for hotels along the coast. The water along the shore was out of a dream. Crystal clear with teal tones, if you were neck high in the water you could easily your feet. Nusa Lebangan is known for amazing snorkeling so we hired a boat to take us out to a famous spot called crystal bay, off the shore of the neighboring island Nusa Penida. The visibility was perfect and once again we saw all kinds of vibrant sea life. At one point I looked over to see beash swimming as fast as she could away from shore. Come to find out she saw an eel pop out from a rock and devour a fish! Needless to say that got her adrenaline pumping…..

After snorkeling we all rented scooters and cruised around the island. We ran into a young local kid who promised to show us a cool cliff jumping spot, and he came through. It was a perfect jump about 40ft into pristine deep water and I didn’t hesitate. Anyone who knows me knows I love cliff jumping, so I was pumped to find such a perfect spot. The climb back up was a little tricky because the volcanic rock was quite sharp but after a couple small nicks and I was back up and ready for dinner. We all met up and spent the rest of evening eating, drinking and getting to know the crew. Overall great times and we have some new friends! Since the trip we’ve spent the last couple days relaxing and saving money. Alicia had a serious stomach ache last night but with some meds and a sleeping pill she’s back in action.
We are starting to plan out the logistics of the next part of the trip when we leave Indonesia in a couple of weeks. We’ll be heading up to Thailand for a month via train from Singapore, and then slowly making our way south back to Bali. We are getting a little more acclimated to the weather and heat and are much more comfortable getting around Jimbaran and Kuta on our own. We will be heading up to the town of Ubud soon to do some shopping for traditional artwork and jewelry and hopefully a Balinese dance performance.

We’ll do our best to get more pictures posted, it’s just really tough with such slow internet connections. We love and miss you all and hope everyone is doing well! Thanks for the emails and responses, we love the updates!

Marcus and Beashers

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25th November 2009

all you are doin is ballin out right now. nothing but love son... Handle it man or all youn canish...
25th November 2009

On a Boat
Great pictures and commentary. looks like and sound like you two are having a great time. Enjoy. Looking forwar to chatting with you guys this eve, same time same channel. love and prayers
25th November 2009

Cliff Jump and Sunset
Yow, that's a high cliff! I know you had to jump but, gulp, that's a long way down! Take care on those adventures, sweetie. Love the sunset and water pics. Have a grand Thanksgiving day in Bali - lots to be thankful for these days ;-) Mom
28th November 2009

It's hard to imagine the heat and humidity when all around are clouds, snow on the mountains, and Christmas carols on every music station. Christmas is coming! We pray for health and continued good times for you. Thank you for making the effort of the blogs and pictures. The world is smaller than we think when we can communicate around the world with a touch of a button. We had a nice Thanksgiving. Danaca made an announcement. She and Denny are expecting another child on Dennis's birthday-June 19. We have leftover pumpkin pie and rolls. I promise to make you some when you return. Love, Denise
1st December 2009

I'm on a boat!
Omg AMAZING sunset and ha! that jump! nice. You're never coming home are you? Hope the bugs aren't eating you alive...I'm sure even if they are it's worth it for all of the crazy things you're seeing and doing. Take care both of you and as always love and miss you both!

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