My Birthday !! Damn i'm gettin' old !!

North America
March 7th 2006
Published: March 7th 2006
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G'day !! Yesterday i woke up and it was my 27th. Hmmmm - i don't feel like it but i must be getting older...

I lounged around the house, had breaky then did the dishes, checked my e-mails and sent some etc. I still had the hire car so i thought i better make the most of it before i took it back at 2.30pm. My Aunt and Uncle told me about a place down the highway along the coast called Smugglers Cove which has nice lookouts and walking tracks.

I rung one of my Uncle's employees Paul who lives about 1 min walk down the road on the water (we went there for a BBQ on Friday night). So he came up and met me and we drove down the highway looking for this place, but we didn't even see it or the signs so we just kept on going. We dove for ages then ended up in this little township which was nice, it had lovely snowy tipped mountains, a lovely river & a wharf with a couple of boats tied off it. I took some photos and we left.

On the way back to the way we came, we passed "The Grasshopper Hotel" so we stopped there and had a lovely lunch and an Orange Juice and a Softdrink, or as they call it - "Pop". I had Fish and Chips and Salad - bloody beautiful Mate !!!!

We then had to rush back to the Hire car place, and drop the car off (We were a little late !) Once, i went to jump in the drivers side to drive the car but instead jumped in the passenger side by accident (Paul had a great laugh at 'The idiot Aussie' - what can I say, force of nature hahahahaha!!)

After that, Paul drove his girlfriend Jen and myself back down to Smugglers Cove for abit of a walk and a look, it was pretty bad weather, cloudy and rainy but nice.

After that about 6pm, we went home and had a nice Birthday dinner with my Aunt, Uncle, Cousin, and Exchange Student. It was really nice. I got a "Dogde" jumper and hat which was great ! That night i had a few Canadian beers, got tipsy then was tired so went to bed pretty early.

This morning i got up, my Uncle dropped me off at the Ferry, actually we were late for the 8.30am one, so i had to catch the 10.30am one. After we missed it, i had some breaky at A & W's (abit like Maccas) and met him at he's work, then he dropped me off at the next Ferry.

I caught it to Horseshoe's bay and caught the bus to downtown Vancouver, had abit of walk around. I had to hunt down and Aussie power converter adapter to use here. I had some Burger King for lunch, and walked past a lovely corner pub, i walked in had a few Canadian beers, then found out where to get a converter, i finally found one !! Woohooo !!

Anyway now i'm here at this corner internet cafe typing this.

Anyway better get going - Have a great one !!

Dave Hardy


7th March 2006

I don't know you but
7th March 2006

Hi I don't know you but
Happy Birthday! Have a good time! Take care *babie*midnight*babie*magic*
9th March 2006

Happy (Belated) Birthday
Hi Dave, what a way to spend your birthday - sitting here at my work desk in Cairns I am green with envy! Sounds like you are having a great time. Look forward to hearing more stories from the great unknown.
11th March 2006

Mate happy bday
Hey Mate Happy birthday for the 7th sounds like your having an awes time its great reading your journal i crack up everytime. WHAT
13th March 2006

Happy bday mate!!
Happy bday for the other day u poor old fella!!!! Travel Safe, look foward to hearing more of your journals!!!!

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