Day 27

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October 16th 2009
Published: October 16th 2009
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Today I awoke, as I expected I would, to the pitter patter of rain drops on my tent and with 100km to the ferry to go there was little time for sitting around so I was up and off by 8.45 and the rain had even stopped. Bonus.
My first 10km today was all uphill. No-one had told me that the highway climbs from sea level up to 350m on Vancouver Island, wow that’s a way to wake up. Being used to hills by now though it was a case of shift into a low gear and let the legs work. Before long I was shooting off down the other side wondering what all my complaints were about, the hard work already forgotten.
I was going along great, through the rain, wind, traffic, until disaster strikes.
Not having a working pump isn a great thing, so I was flying by the seat of my pants today, but Im used to that by now so I thought that Id chance it. First mistake.
Lying, waiting, in a puddle was a BIG nail. This nail went through my "puncture proof" tyre and through both sides of my inner tube. So I was standing in drizzle fixing my newest punctures. Holes patched it was time to pump my tyre, problem. So I spent the next 15 or so minutes trying in vain to fix my pump. With no luck I decided it was time to walk north in the hope that something good would happen.
After about an hour of walking a guy picked me up and gave me a lift to the next town where I found a garage and once again used their air to pump my tyre.
I was now back on the road and on a serious mission. With only 25km to go to the ferry terminal.
It was then that I saw a sign saying there was a 3pm sailing, time to wake the legs up for a 45 min dash. Having given it 110% and having raced through the centre of Nanimo over taking cars and riding like I was in the Tour de France (without any panniers) I arrived at the ferry terminal at 2.53pm to be told I was 3 minutes late to buy a ticket and that I would have to wait for the 5p ferry. Bummer.
After getting into Horseshoe bay in the dark I discovered that it was raining. Onto the Highway I went which was sketchy to say the least with cars, trucks, wind and rain thrown into the mix. But, an hour later I was cruising down Broadway once again and am now showered and all cozy in my flat.
I didn think its possible to feel so un-athome inside. Its very different to my tent.

Todays stats were:

Ride time - 5:28:13
Average speed - 22.5km/h
Max speed - 60.0km/h
Distance - 122.76km
Trip distance - 2624.46km

Aly x


16th October 2009

You are doing well.
Wow Aly you are certainly having adventures. I reckon that you are doing extremely well. Well done. We are reading your blogs with great interest.
16th October 2009

Good effort
Hi Aly, your a star - brilliant. Really proud of you, and hey you write really well, Ill miss your entertaining blogs. You will miss the road - now you know why Im so restless at the end of trips/courses.Speak to you soon.Dx

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