How many café con leches can one person consume?

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South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires
October 23rd 2009
Published: November 1st 2009
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Hi All...Jess here. Last you heard, we were leaving for Iguazu Falls (AR side). This is one of the sights I have been looking forward to the most and it did not disappoint! The day was hot and sunny...perfect for visiting such an awe inspiring, body drenching site. The sheer power and magnitude of water was humbling and no pictures could ever do it justice. After strolling the catwalks of the upper and lower falls, we climbed in a speed boat with 15 other exuberant Argentines to view the falls from a different angle. We were pummeled by the smaller falls dubbed the Three Musketeers; the boat driver kept pushing us under again and again to the chants, "Otra vez! Otra vez!" We then wheeled around for a view of the big falls. I am not one to shirk at the site of white water but as the boat was pitched and punched by the rolling waves, I thought to myself, "I didn´t even sign a waiver." Gotta love it.

The next week we spent in Buenos Aires. Our friend met us in the barrio of Recoleta where he promptly handed over the keys to his brand new, never been slept in apartment and then left for the airport. Well, how do you like that? We delightedly set up house and enjoyed candle lit dinners and late morning café con leche while overlooking the busy street. Trying to stay on budget, we visited parks, museums and plazas...I think we covered every free activity BA has to offer. Our tour guide at La Recoleta Cemetery indulgently told us about the famous patrons in the mausoleums; she spoke of scandal, unrequited love, mysterious deaths and then of the multitude of feral cats that are fixed, named and cared for in the cemetery. Hmm. I really enjoyed the antique malls of San Telmo and was thankful my all too heavy backpack kept me from buying every treasure I saw...I doubt the ravishing Tango Queen barbie was released in the States. My highlights were Feria de San Telmo (an outdoor antique/craft fair), street tango, relaxing on a sunny street with a café and biscuit, and people watching at Puerto Madero (oh, how I wish I had my roller blades too).

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Puerto MaderoPuerto Madero
Puerto Madero

Puente de la Mujer, pedestrian bridge
Ojos TristesOjos Tristes
Ojos Tristes

Statue at Facundo´s mausoleum
La Recoleta CemeteryLa Recoleta Cemetery
La Recoleta Cemetery

Crosses and masonic emblems adorn mausoleums

8th November 2009

wow. the falss sounded crazy. i bet it was a bit scary and soo9 loud. i loved the cafes and chillin on the street in ba too. i'm sure you were glad to get out of the city. love you, big mama c

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