Getting Ready

North America
October 7th 2009
Published: October 9th 2009
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

As we really start the count down (20 days), Mom and me are starting to get the last of our wish list together on things to take. Checking on the weather daily to see whats ahead. Mom got new shoes last night and both of us got SurePAC's. They come highly rated for travelling as they are supposed to be theft, slash proof. We'll see! I just didn't want one of those stupid travel wallets that tuck into your shirt or down your pants. Don't need any red flags screaming "TOURIST".

Should be fun and I will try my best to keep this updated on the road. Just need an internt cafe or a business center in a hotel. 😊


28th October 2009

How's the city???
Hey Girls, I'm so excited for you!!! How is it so far????? I want to hear all the juicy details. I know you're going to be disappointed, but you're missing a hell of a snow storm, darn it! Can't wait to read your blog so fill it up soon. XOXOX, Kitty

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