Easing into Prague

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October 6th 2009
Published: October 6th 2009
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What a great way to kick off vacation. Friends, champagne and antipasto.
Well, I am finally at the computer. It seems so long ago that I left the house, although it was really only about 20 hours of traveling. I have to admit that flying Economy Plus wasn't bad. The food was pretty darn good, which coming from me is something. I had great connections and was met at the Prague Airport by the driver who gave me some good pointers as we drove. After checking in, showering and just plopping on the bed for a half hour, I went out exploring.

My hotel is quite nice, quaint and located in a neighborhood not far from Wenceslas Square. I took a tram across the river so I could walk across the Charles Bridge. Having little to no confidence in my ability to remember the name of the tram stop, I just took a picture of it for easy reference. Was quite pleased with the idea. The Charles Bridge is under extensive reconstruction, but was still a nice walk. It was, however, packed with tourists and vendors. Once off the bridge, I wandered around the streets trying to stay fairly close to the river. Came across the Frank Gehry designed Dancing House. Very
Like the Energizer BunnyLike the Energizer BunnyLike the Energizer Bunny

Yup, 20 hours and still going strong. I know it's not that long of a trip, but for someone like me, well, it sure felt long.
cool if I do say so. I had looked at it in pictures, so was happy to see it. Decided to have a gelato to celebrate another vacation. I wound my way back from the river up through Wenceslas Square, taking some pictures and just enjoying the evening. It's nice to blend in and soak up the feeling of Prague. I am looking forward to doing some real sightseeing and taking lots more pictures. Since I was so close to the hotel, I just walked all the way back, found a restaurant and had a nice dinner. Trying to stay up past 9 in hopes that I can wake up on this time zone.

Still pretty darn tired since I haven't slept at all since I went to bed Sunday. Speaking of that, I have to say that having a small champagne and antipasto style bon voyage party the night before leaving was a great idea. This will have to become a tradition! Anyhow, I am going to wrap this up quickly tonight. Will be better over the rest of the trip, I promise.

Additional photos below
Photos: 7, Displayed: 7


Not so Mental NoteNot so Mental Note
Not so Mental Note

Yeah, I knew I wouldn't remember this tram stop's name.
Charles BridgeCharles Bridge
Charles Bridge

Took some upward angles to get a shot without tons of people in it.
Old TownOld Town
Old Town

There is some incredible architecture in this city.
Dancing HouseDancing House
Dancing House

Just for fun.

6th October 2009

You made it!!!
I've been checking all day and so happy to see you are up and writing! Love the pictures and can't wait to keep up with your daily escapades!! Sleep well!
7th October 2009

Great to see you made it over safely and have already begun the adventure! Will keep up the best I can through the window you are providing. Have a great trip!
7th October 2009

Can't believe it is here!
Hi there! I can't believe you are on your second journey already!!! I am so glad you are doing this blog as it gives those of us who are US bound a way to stay connected. Hopefully you got some sleep and look forward to being"with you" each step of the way. If you can believe it, Chuck and I are celebrating our 1 year anniversary this weekend. Viva Las Vegas!!! More later. Love and miss you! Janie
7th October 2009

Dancing House
I just recently read an article about the Dancing House. It was an article about the world's craziest buildings...with pictures. I thought then that it was pretty wild looking. Pretty cool that you actually got to see it. Too bad you didn't get to go in it. Wonder what it looks like from the inside perspective?
7th October 2009

Herr B... Enjoy...enjoy...soak it all up... wonderful time ... lots of new adventures... so do continue to share... Ciao!

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