
Published: August 26th 2009
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As my departure date is almost 48 hours away and the preparation begins to slowly subside, my mind is filled with a range of emotions. Excitement...Nervousness...Joy...Sadness... However, I think all of these can be summed up into one word...ANTICIPATION.

Anticipation of traveling an unknown continent by myself. Anticipation of the loneliness. Anticipation of adventure. Anticipation of any possible peril. Basically, Anticipation of the incredible journey that lies ahead!

So, within 48 hours I will be embarking upon a (mostly) solo traverse of Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. Within the past week, not only 1, but 2 Adams have expressed interest in joining me in Colombia. Just today, I found out that I will once again be reunited on the backpack trail with Adam Cohen. Back in the dia (as Lauren would say), Adam, Jason, Donald, and I, as "old" 18 year-olds, criss-crossed Western Europe meeting mishap and crazy Italians along the way. That 6 week trip, with nary a parent to be found, set the stage for my entrance into complete independence, as well as opened my eyes to the possibilities of the world at large. Some of my fondest memories and mistakes occurred on that trip so I look forward to what kind of "trouble" Adam and I can revisit, this time on a different continent.

The other Adam, Adam Caplan, while not the lesser of the 2 Adams, still has yet to finalize his travel plans. If he does get his act together, I'll be hitching it with him across the Caribbean side of Colombia then head to the interior with Adam Cohen. Either way, things should get interesting...

So, I hope to keep this blog updated from time-to-time. While during other travels the prospect of keeping a journal has not been met with much success, I think this trip will be different. Not only will updating this blog work wonders in preventing my Jewish mother from having a heart attack, but it will also save my ever-forgetful mind from too much stress!

To anyone may get the urge to come down and meet me I say...VAMOS!

Hasta Luego.


27th August 2009

A Toast Before You Part
Since this is the eve of your departure, I wish you a happy, healthy, and relaxing journey! That is until I meet up with you and turn your world into a debaucherous, gastrointestinal freak-a-thon. Will you post your belongings that you are taking know jeans, hatchet, indiana jones hat, machete, febreeze, uzi...the essentials?
27th August 2009

Almost Forgot...Here Here!!
Well the whole day has gone by and you haven't posted what you are thing you know you'll be in Colombia (not to be confused with Columbia) and I'll have no idea what to pack. I'm sure to come down there with a pair of tuxedo shoes, dirty underwear, and no socks! Thanks a lot! One thing you absolutely must pack...a chin! You definitely need one of those! Enough exclamations! Godspeed and Good luck...we're all counting on you.

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