There's a bird in the hallway

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Asia » South Korea » Seoul
August 23rd 2009
Published: August 23rd 2009
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What is this, Wild Kingdom or something? Is that bird paying room and board? We're not running a charity here! And if it's a male bird, then it should definitely be expelled for being on this floor.


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26th August 2009

I'm sorry, but isn't anyone else curious about the bird's story? I've been waiting for 2 days for some type of explanation. Where did it come from and where did it go? Was it a pet, guest, or trespasser? Did it come home with you after your "wild" night of partying? And most important, have you finally found the perfect gift to bring home to your mom?
26th August 2009

It disappeared
It pooped on the counters in our bathroom and I saw it a few more times, and then it was gone. I hope someone ate it!
26th August 2009

Adventures in Korea
Hey Sarah! I just got an e-mail update about your travel blog. I will have to take time and read about all of your adventures. I am so thrilled you are having such a momentous experience. I will need to see you in the fall with Naz and trek down to D.C.

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